How Much Does An Abortion Cost In PA? (Answered!)

How Much Does An Abortion Cost Without Insurance

Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures in the United States and one that the Constitution guarantees. It’s been legal since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. Still, if you’re unsure about how much it costs or how abortion works, this article can help you better understand what to expect during your appointment with a doctor or other healthcare provider.

In Pennsylvania, abortions can cost between $400 to $2,000. This price highly depends on different factors like the stage of pregnancy and the surgical process. Surgical abortion can cost between $850 to $2,000. Suction procedures and medical pill abortions cost around $350 to $600.

Abortion costs will also depend on the clinic and whether you have insurance coverage. If you qualify for state-funded Medicaid, your procedure will go at no expense.

If you don’t qualify for Medicaid or want to avoid government insurance altogether, it may be a good idea to get an anonymous quote from different clinics online. This way, you’ll know exactly how much each facility charges before scheduling your appointment.

Is Abortion Legal In Pennsylvania?

Abortion is legal in Pennsylvania if the pregnancy endangers the woman’s life or if the pregnancy endangers her health.

  • The abortion must happen before viability. In other words, you can have an abortion up to 24 weeks into your pregnancy but not after that date.
  • But remember: it must be done by 20 weeks or earlier for these reasons: to prevent severe permanent damage to other organs in your body; or because you have serious health risks that would make it dangerous for you to continue with the pregnancy.

If your doctor thinks there are problems with your fetus (for example, if they believe it has severe genetic defects), they can perform an abortion after 24 weeks of gestation.

An Overview Of Getting An Abortion In PA

When you’re ready to have an abortion, you can choose between two primary methods. The first is a surgical abortion, which requires anesthesia and involves removing the fetus with suction or other tools. The second is medication abortion, pills that terminate the pregnancy and expel it from your body.

  • Surgical Abortion: This method involves an outpatient procedure in which the doctor dilates your cervix and removes the tissue inside your uterus by vacuum aspiration. 
  • Medication Abortion: A medication abortion is performed between six weeks to nine weeks after fertilization (conception). During this period, you will receive two drugs at different stages of development. One is called mifepristone; another is called misoprostol.
  • Suction: The procedure itself is called suction. During this process, the doctor inserts and holds a thin tube into your vagina or cervix and attaches it to a machine that creates mild vacuum pressure inside your uterus (womb). The doctor then gently pulls on the tube, removing any tissue inside.

Factors That Affect Abortion Costs

Several factors affect the cost of abortion services, including:

  • The type of procedure you choose: Procedures can range from aspiration to dilation and evacuation (D&E), varying amounts depending on how many weeks into pregnancy you are.
  • The location of the clinic: Some facilities offer discounted rates for specific procedures or services if you use a student ID card or have an insurance plan covering abortions and contraception.*
  • Your medical insurance coverage: Some insurers will cover abortion services while others don’t; check with your provider to see what they’ll pay toward your procedure.
  • Regulations: State laws and policies surrounding abortions, including parental notification requirements for minors seeking abortions and other restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare—may impact which doctors are willing to perform abortions in their state.

Abortion Programs Without Costs

There are various ways you can get an abortion at no cost. These include:

Donation programs

Programs like the National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood may offer discounted or free abortions for those unable to pay for them.

Some places provide transportation to the abortion facilities to carry out the procedure.

State Funding

Some states offer to fund low-income women who want to get an abortion. This funding can include paying for the procedure and transportation costs if needed. You can see if your state has a program by calling them online and asking about it; you will often need to provide documentation of your income level to qualify.

Abortion Pill Vs. Surgical Abortion; Which Is Better?

Using pills or surgical methods are all effective ways of performing abortions. Although you can not say which is better, the safest method in a particular stage of pregnancy is crucial.

During the first trimester, pills can help induce abortion. These medications are safe and effective with a low risk of complications. Surgical abortions are also reasonably safe during this stage. Still, they involve surgery with inherent risks such as infection and bleeding due to perforation in the uterus wall.

PA Abortion Control Act

The PA Abortion Control Act requires that women seeking abortions be informed about the gestation of their babies, the dangers of abortion for their health, and alternatives available to them, including financial assistance. The woman must take 24 hours to reflect before the procedure occurs. The woman has the right to refuse any or all of the information. However, it must be made available to her.

This rule also requires minors to have parental consent to have an abortion. This parent must attend the information meeting with the minor to provide their support and receive information about the procedure.


As you can see, abortion costs vary from one clinic to another. The cost of an abortion in PA depends on the abortion method used, how far the pregnancy has progressed, and if Medicaid covers your expenses.

So, I believe this post has helped you understand the cost of an abortion in PA.

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