How Much Does a Bowling Pin Weigh? (Answered!)

How Many Pounds Is A Pin?

Bowling pins are designed to at minimum dissipate the momentum of a bowling ball as it hits them.

There’s a lot of force behind every shot, so you wouldn’t end up with another dent in your drywall —at least if you’re a responsible bowler. If not, then you may need to ask how much does a bowling pin weigh?

The standard bowling pin has to weigh between 3 pounds, 6 ounces, and 3 pounds, 10 ounces. They have a uniform circumference of 15.5 inches at the thickest part (actually slightly convex) with an overall height of around 39 cm or just shy of 16 inches.

It matters because it explains how much force is behind every shot in bowling, and why the pins are designed the way they are. 

In this article, we will discuss the weight of the various types of bowling pins. 

Why Is The Weight Of A Bowling Pin Important?

So what’s the big deal about a bowling pin? Bowling pins aren’t just any old solid cylinder. They’re specifically designed to be as unstable as possible so that they have the best chance of falling over when you hit them. 

But there’s more to it than that. It turns out that the weight of a bowling pin is important for one other reason: it keeps you from throwing your ball right through it and breaking it.

The weight of a bowling pin is also important because it determines how much force is behind every shot in bowling, and why the pins are designed the way they are. 

It also means that you shouldn’t try to use regular-size drywall as a replacement for a real bowling pin – you’ll end up damaging your wall.

Types Of Bowling Pins

There are three types of bowling pins: soft, hard, and plastic. 

Soft pins are made of wood or a composite material, and they’re designed to be lightweight so that they can be easily knocked over. They’re also designed to be very durable; you can use them for games of bowling without worrying about them getting damaged. On the contrary, Hard pins are made out of metal and are much heavier than soft or plastic pins.

Hard pins are made of metal or a similar substance, and they’re heavier than soft pins so that they can withstand more force without breaking.

This type of pin is designed to be very durable and can withstand a lot of force without breaking.

And it makes them great for games of bowling, but not so much for playing with your kids. If you want to play with your children, you should use soft or plastic pins instead; they’re much lighter and easier to knock over. The main difference between hard and soft pins is their weight: hard ones are heavier than soft ones.

Plastic pins are the lightest type of pin, but they’re also the weakest – if you hit them too hard, they’ll shatter into pieces. 

The type of pin you use depends on your personal preference and the regulations of your local bowling alley. If you want to bowl with plastic pins because you think it’s more fun (or because you want an easier game), that’s perfectly fine – as long as the bowling alley allows it. If you want to play with hard pins because you like the challenge, that’s fine too – although that might be the more unusual option for some people. 

Weights of Different Categories Of Pins

Tenpins Bowling Pins Weigh

These pins weigh between 2.5-4lbs. Each bowling pin should weigh between 2.5 and 4 pounds because if the pins are too light, they will be knocked over easily with not much force behind the ball. 

If the pins are too heavy, however, then it is possible to break them when you throw your ball at them with a lot of force. The right weight ensures that there is enough force behind each shot to knock down all of the pins without damaging any of them.

Tenpins bowling pins are larger, typically over 15 inches tall, which means that they are much more difficult to knock down than duckpin bowling pins are. 

Fivepins Weight Bowling Pins

Five-weight bowling pins are smaller and easier to knock down than either tenpins or duckpins. They are also made of different materials, typically plastic or composite, which makes them more durable than either tenpin or duckpin bowling pins.

A typical fivepin bowling pin is around 2 pounds and 2 ounces.

Candlepins Bowling Pins

Candlepins are even smaller than fivepin bowling pins. There are also more of them, so they can be more difficult to knock down. 

It’s not unusual for a candlepin bowling ball to come back with only one or two pins knocked down. Candlepins are usually made of plastic or composite materials and weigh around 2 pounds and 8 ounces.

Duckpins Bowling Weight

Duckpin bowling pins are about the same size as candlepins, but they weigh about 3 pounds, 6 ounces. The extra weight makes them more challenging to knock down with a bowling ball that weighs just 3 pounds and 2 ounces.

Duckpin bowling pins have a rubber band wrapped around the middle of each pin to help keep it from flying straight into the air and off of the lane if you hit it very hard.


Both fivepin and candlepin bowling pins have their unique features. However, they are both made of similar materials and weigh around the same. If you’re looking for a smaller bowling pin that is more difficult to knock down, then candlepins may be the better option for you.

This is important because it shows the difference between fivepin and candlepin bowling pins. Candlepins are smaller and more difficult to knock down, while fivepins are larger and easier to knock down. This information is useful for people who want to choose which type of bowling pin they want to use. So, bowling pins come with varying weights depending on the type of pin.

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