Here are 100 True or False Bible questions with answers to advance your Bible knowledge. How well do you recall all of the Bible’s stories? Test your Bible knowledge on 100 different levels right here at Scholars Delight.
Bible games are an excellent tool for Bible study for people of all ages. There are 100 levels to play through and numerous facts to learn. You can progress from easy to medium to difficult to expert questions. For each fact, you can look up the verse reference.
Bible games are a fun way to learn about the Bible while also growing in faith. Understanding the Bible’s scriptures is critical for Christians. Bible questions and answers will help you learn everything you need to know about Christianity.
This quiz game is a great way to strengthen your faith while also having fun with interesting Bible facts.
Let’s get started!
Here is one hundred educating bible questions from the old and new testament:
#1. Jesus was born in the town of Nazareth.
True or False
Answer: False.
#2. Ham, Shem, and Japheth were Noah’s three sons.
True or False
Answer: True.
#3. Moses fled to Midian after killing an Egyptian.
True or False
Answer: True.
#4. At the wedding in Damascus, Jesus turned water into wine.
True or False
Answer: False.
#5. God dispatched Jonah to Nineveh.
True or False
Answer: True.
#6. Jesus healed Lazarus of his blindness.
True or False
Answer: False.
#7. The tax collector passed by on the other side in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
True or False
Answer: False.
#8. Isaac was Abraham’s first son.
True or False
Answer: False.
#9. On the way to Damascus, Paul was converted.
True or False
Answer: True.
#10. The 5,000 people were fed with five loaves and two fish.
True or False
Answer: True.
#11. Moses led the children of Israel across the Jordan River into the Promised Land.
Abel assassinated his brother Cain.
True or False
Answer: False.
#12. Saul was Israel’s first king.
True or False
Answer: True.
#13. The pure of heart will be blessed because they will see God.
True or False
Answer: True.
#14. John the Baptist baptized Jesus.
True or False
Answer: True.
#15. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was present at the wedding in Cana.
True or False
Answer: True.
#16. The Prodigal Son was employed as a shepherd.
True or False
Answer: True.
#17. During one of Paul’s lengthy sermons, Tychicus fell out of the window and died.
True or False
Answer: True.
#18. In Jericho, Jesus noticed Zacchaeus climbing a sycamore tree.
True or False
Answer: True.
#19. Joshua dispatched three spies to Jericho, who took refuge in Rahab’s house.
True or False
Answer: True.
#20. On Mt. Sinai, the Ten Commandments were given to Aaron.
True or False
Answer: False.
#21. Malachi is the Old Testament’s final book.
True or False
Answer: True.
#22. At midnight, Paul and Barnabas prayed and sang hymns to God before an earthquake shook the prison.
True or False
Answer: False.
#23. The New Testament consists of twenty-nine books.
True or False
Answer: False.
#24. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were burned alive in a fiery furnace.
True or False
Answer: False.
#25. During Queen Esther’s reign, Haman plotted to kill the Jews.
True or False
Answer: True.
#26. Brimstone and fire from heaven destroyed the Tower of Babel.
True or False
Answer: False.
#27. The death of the firstborn was the tenth plague that struck Egypt.
True or False
Answer: False
#28. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.
True or False
Answer: True.
#29. An angel stopped Balaam’s camel from passing.
True or False
Answer: True.
#30. To be cured of his leprosy, Naaman was instructed to bathe seven times in the Jordan River.
True or False
Answer: True.
#31. Stephen was executed by stoning.
True or False
Answer: True.
#32. On the Sabbath, Jesus healed the man with the withered hand.
True or False
Answer: True.
#33. Daniel was imprisoned in the lions’ den for three days and nights.
True or False
Answer: True.
#34. On the fifth day of creation, God created birds and fish.
True or False
Answer: True.
#35. Philip was one of the original twelve apostles.
True or False
Answer: True.
#34. Nebuchadnezzar renamed Daniel Belshazzar.
True or False
Answer: True.
#35. Absalom was David’s son.
True or False
Answer: True.
#36. Ananias and Sapphira were killed for lying about the price of a plot of land they sold.
True or False
Answer: True.
#37. For forty years, Israel wandered in the wilderness.
True or False
Answer: True.
#38. At the Passover Feast, the apostles received the Holy Spirit.
True or False
Answer: True.
#39. During David’s reign, Zadok was a priest.
True or False
Answer: True.
#40. The apostle Paul was a tentmaker.
True or False
Answer: True
#41. Ramoth was a haven.
True or False
Answer: True.
#42. The head in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a great image was made of silver.
True or False
Answer: False.
#43. Ephesus was one of the seven churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
True or False
Answer: True.
#44. Elijah created a float out of an axe head that had fallen into the water.
True or False
Answer: True.
#45. Josiah began his reign over Judah when he was eight years old.
True or False
Answer: True.
#46. Ruth first encountered Boaz on the threshing floor.
True or False
Answer: True.
#47. Ehud was Israel’s first judge.
True or False
Answer: True.
#48. David was famous for slaying the giant Samson.
True or False
Answer: False.
#49. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.
True or False
Answer: True.
#50. Jesus was the sole surviving child of his parents.
True or False
Answer: False.
#51. Almost all of the Bible’s villains have red hair.
True or False
Answer: False.
#52. The number of Wise Men who attended Jesus’ birth will remain a mystery for the rest of time.
True or False
Answer: False.
#53. There are no original writings of the Bible.
True or False
Answer: True.
#54. Luke, the apostle, was a tax collector.
True or False
Answer: False.
#55. God created man on the second day.
True or False
Answer: False.
#56. The death of the firstborn was Egypt’s final plague.
True or False
Answer: True.
#57. Daniel ate honey from the carcass of a lion.
True or False
Answer: True.
#58. The sun and moon remained motionless in front of Joshua.
True or False
Answer: True.
#59. The Bible was written by approximately 40 men over 1600 years.
True or False
Answer: True.
#60. “Jesus wept,” the shortest verse in the Bible, is only two words long.
True or False
Answer: True.
#61. Moses died when he was 120 years old.
True or False
Answer: True.
#62. The Bible is the most frequently stolen book on the planet.
True or False
Answer: True.
#63. “Christ” is a word that means “anointed.”
True or False
Answer: False.
#64. According to the book of Revelation, there are a total of twelve pearly gates.
True or False
Answer: True.
#65. Approximately 20 books in the Bible are named after women.
True or False
Answer: False.
#66. When Jesus died, there was an earthquake.
True or False
Answer: False.
#67. Isaac’s wife was transformed into a salt pillar.
True or False
Answer: False.
#68. Methuselah lived to be 969 years old, according to the Bible.
True or False
Answer: True.
#69. On the red Sea, Jesus calmed a storm.
True or False
Answer: False.
#70. The Platitudes are another name for the Sermon on the Mount.
True or False
Answer: False.
#71. With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed 20,000 people.
True or False
Answer: False.
#72. Jacob adored Joseph because he was his only son
True or False
Answer: False.
#73. Joseph was apprehended and sold in Dothan.
True or False
Answer: False.
#74. Joseph would have been killed if it hadn’t been for Reuben.
True or False
Answer: True.
#75. Jacob spent the majority of his life in Canaan.
True or False
Answer: True.
#76. In an attempt to convince Jacob that Joseph had been killed and eaten by an evil beast, a lamb’s blood was used to represent Joseph’s blood.
True or False
Answer: True.
#77. Onan, Judah’s son, murdered his elder brother Er because Er was wicked.
True or False
Answer: False.
#78. When Pharaoh summoned Joseph, he was immediately released from prison and brought to Pharaoh dressed in his prison raiment.
True or False
Answer: False.
#79. The dog is the most cunning land animal God ever created.
True or False
Answer: False.
#80. After Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, God placed Cherubims and a flaming sword in the garden’s east.
True or False
Answer: True.
#81. The celestial beings and the flaming sword that God placed in the garden’s east were to guard the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
True or False
Answer: True.
#82. Cain’s sacrifice was rejected by God because it contained spoiled foodstuffs.
True or False
Answer: False.
#83. Noah’s grandfather was Methuselah.
True or False
Answer: True.
#84. Noah’s firstborn son was Ham.
True or False
Answer: True.
#85. Rachel was Joseph and Benjamin’s mother.
True or False
Answer: True.
#86. There is no name given in the Bible for Lot’s wife who was turned into a pillar of salt.
True or False
Answer: True.
#87. David and Jonathan were both enemies.
True or False
Answer: False.
#88. Tamar is the name of two women in the Old Testament, both of whom are involved in sexual stories.
True or False
Answer: True.
#89. Naomi and Boaz were a married couple.
True or False
Answer: True.
#90. Despite his best efforts, Paul was unable to resurrect Eutychus.
True or False
Answer: True.
#91. Barnabas, according to the Bible, restored the sight of seven blind men all at once.
True or False
Answer: False.
#92. Peter betrayed Jesus
True or False
Answer: False.
#93. The final word in the Christian Bible, according to the KJV, NKJV, and NIV, is “Amen.”
True or False
Answer: True.
#94. Jesus was betrayed by his brother
True or False
Answer: False.
#95. Peter was a carpenter
True or False
Answer: False.
#96. Peter was a Fisherman
True or False
Answer: True.
#97. Moses entered the promised land
True or False
Answer: False.
#98. Saul was happy with David
True or False
Answer: False.
#99. Luke was a medical Doctor
True or False
Answer: True.
#100. Paul was a Barrister
True or False
Answer: True.
For sure, this quiz is educating and appears to be simple, but that doesn’t mean it is! These bible questions require you to identify biblical people, places, and events by answering true or false. We hope you enjoyed every bit of these True or False Bible Questions.