How Much Sleep Do Teens Need?

Is 7 Hours Of Sleep Enough For A 15 Year Old?

There’s a reason your teen always seems cranky and irritable: lack of sleep. As teens enter puberty, they need more sleep than before. How much is enough depends on the kid’s age and activity level.

Teens need at least 9 hours of sleep per night. You may be a teen and know you need more sleep than others. You may even know you need more sleep than your parents, grandparents, or younger kids.

Compared to older adults, this number can vary from nine to nine-and-a-half hours per night, depending on the age group. Adults who are not teens and do not fall into any other category should aim for 7-8 hours per night based on their age group—in other words, anything less than 7 hours could have negative effects on memory storage and mood regulation during the day.

But it’s difficult not just falling asleep; staying asleep can also become increasingly challenging. That is because the body clock starts to shift during puberty, which means that by this time of the child’s life, they need about eight hours of sleep each night—the same amount as adults.

However, many teens aren’t getting enough sleep due to school schedules and extracurricular activities keeping them up late at night (and sometimes into early morning).

Why Is Sleep Important For Teens?

A study links the lack of sleep with a higher risk of school-related problems. Sleep is important for teens because it helps them to think, remember information, and make good decisions. A lack of sleep can lead to poor performance in school, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It may also cause kids to be overweight or obese. The lack of sleep can lead to problems with concentration that affect schoolwork or sports activities. It makes it difficult for teens to remember what they’ve learned during the day or the night before.

A study links the following school-related problems with insufficient sleep:

* Poor grades

* Dropouts

* Truancy (missed classes)

* Retention in grade level

* Starting high school late

What Are The Consequences Of Poor Sleep In Teenagers?

Overtired teens have a hard time effectively controlling their emotions.

Many teens that do not have enough sleep might act out by throwing tantrums or becoming rebellious. In addition, the lack of sleep makes it harder for teens to control impulses, leading to poor choices and bad decisions. A study found that people who don’t get enough sleep tend to be more impulsive than those who have had a good night’s rest. This is especially true for teenagers whose brains are still developing.

Lack of sleep has been linked to poor academic performance.

As mentioned earlier, a lack of sleep can affect your health. It can also negatively impact academic performance by decreasing memory and attention span. One study examined the relationship between sleep patterns and academic performance in high school students. Researchers found that students who slept less than seven hours per night had lower GPAs than those who slept more. A study of middle-school students found that the number of hours they slept each night was a significant predictor of academic performance.

While there’s no exact formula for how much sleep is needed for optimal mental function or academic achievement, it’s clear that teens need more rest than adults do—and getting sleep and naps should be part of your teen’s daily routine.

Teen drivers are at a higher risk for accidents when tired and sleepy.

Teens need more sleep than adults but don’t always know when they’re tired. People in their early teens are especially susceptible to “microsleeps”—moments of sleep during the day when someone doesn’t realize what’s happening. They may fall asleep at a stoplight or while driving down the road, with no memory later. This problem can lead to carelessness behind the wheel, which can be dangerous for you and other drivers around you.

According to several studies, teen drivers are at an especially high risk of accidents because they have less experience behind the wheel, and their judgment is clouded by fatigue.

Why Do Teens Need More Sleep Than Younger Kids?

In general, teenagers are more active at night. This is because they may have homework to do and extracurricular activities to attend after school. Because their bodies are still growing and developing, they also need more sleep than adults or younger children.

Adolescents’ sleep patterns shift from being aligned with those of other people to being out of sync, which can cause them to feel tired during the day but unable to fall asleep when it’s time for bed. Teens also have more demands on their time than other age groups; they’re expected to be physically active, mentally alert, and socially engaged throughout each day—and sometimes, these demands add up to a long night filled with homework or video games instead of sleep.

How Can You Help Teens Get Enough Sleep Time?

The best way to help your teenager get enough sleep is to make sure they go to bed at a reasonable time. It’s important to set limits on when electronic devices can be used, and it’s also important for parents and teens to establish a bedtime schedule that allows for adequate rest.

Afternoon naps are another way to help teens get enough sleep. A nap can provide a much-needed recharge in the afternoon, but it’s important not to nap too late in the day, or it will affect your child’s nighttime sleep.

Pediatricians can help parents and teens establish a healthy sleep schedule. The doctor may also recommend certain steps at home, such as removing televisions from bedrooms and removing computers or tablets that can be used late into the night.


There’s no denying that teens need to sleep more than younger children. The answer depends on your teen’s age and stage of development, but it can be an hour more than you might expect. So keep your teen well-rested with the tips shared in this post. 

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