How Much are 1st and 2nd Class Stamps in the UK

How Much is a 1st and 2nd Class Stamp in the uk How Much Does A Second-Class Stamp Cost in the U.K? What Is The Difference Between A First Class Stamp And A Second Class Stamp? What Can I Send With a Stamp? What Advantage Does First Class Stamp Over Second Class Stamp?

Are you a visitor or an international student to the United Kingdom with a great urge to send mail to your family and friends? You wonder how much a stamp costs, especially after your neighbor informs you about the price rise. 

Stamps are used as a delivery payment scheme by the main delivery system in the U.K. The U.K. delivery system uses two essential and common stamps; first-class and second-class. 

These stamps vary in price, so we must check each cost critically with other related things. 

How Much Does A First-Class Stamp Cost in The U.K? 

A first-class stamp starts at 85 pence for letters up to 100g. First-class stamps are used on a letter in the U.K when you want it delivered immediately or the next working day. 

The exciting thing about using this type of stamp is the inclusion of compensation which can cover up to E20. However, the prices change based on categories, size, and location(outside U. K)

Below is a table showing the price of first-class postal stamps based on size and location according to Royal Mail(one of the top mail delivery systems in the U.K).

CategoryLocationPrice Price Signed For/Tracked 
LettersU. K85pE2.35(Signed for)
LettersInternationalE1.85(standard)E7.00(Tracked and signed)
ParcelU. KE3.95E4.45(Tracked)

How Much Does A Second-Class Stamp Cost in the U.K? 

Currently, the price of a second-class stamp in the UK is 70 pence. That’s just under a pound, which might not seem like much, but how quickly those pennies can add up over time is amazing. Whether you’re sending a letter to a friend or a package to a loved one, those stamps can start to add up.

I remember when I was younger, stamps were a lot cheaper. But despite the price increase, sending a letter is still a fantastic way to show someone you care. Whether it’s a birthday card, a love letter, or just a simple note to say hello, there’s something special about receiving a piece of mail from someone you love.

What Is The Difference Between A First Class Stamp And A Second Class Stamp? 

The main difference between a first-class and a second-class stamp is the delivery time. First-class stamped mail gets delivered within one working day within the U.K but might require two days to dispatch if sent overseas. 

On the other hand, second-class stamped mail gets delivered within two to three working days and might tarry if sent overseas. 

What Can I Send With a Stamp?

There’s a lot more you can send with stamps than just letters. Let’s explore the different types of mail you can send with stamps.

1. Letters

Letters are the most common use of stamps as they are unique ways to show someone you’re thinking of them and take the time to sit down and write to them.

You can send letters anywhere in the UK and even overseas with stamps.

2. Postcards

 With stamps, you can send postcards anywhere in the UK or overseas. Postcards are an excellent way to share your travels and experiences with your loved ones. Thankfully, postcards are usually cheaper to send than letters, which makes them an affordable way to keep in touch.

3. Invitations and Greetings Cards

You can send your invitations and greeting cards via stamps, especially first-class stamps, as they add a personal touch to invitations and greeting cards.

Besides, you can choose a symbol design that matches the theme of your event or card. 

4. Small Parcels

It can be sent using a stamp if your parcel is less than 2kg and measures no more than 45cm x 35cm x 16cm. 

You’ll need to use a different postage service if your parcel is larger or heavier than these limits, 

5. International Mail

It can also be sent with a stamp, but you must fill out the customs declaration form. The Customs form provides information about the contents of your package, both the value and type of items you’re sending.  This form should be attached to the front of your package and your postage label for use by customs officials. 

The maximum size for international letters should not exceed 240mm x 165mm, and the maximum weight is 100g. 

However, the delivery times for international mail can be longer depending on the destination or during holidays. Therefore, If you need your mail to arrive more quickly, you can go for a faster postage service.

Here is a table showing the categories of what you can send with their sizes and examples.

Letter100gPostcards, personal letters, and greetings card
Large Letter750gMagazines and CDs
Small Parcel2kgShoes and Handbags
Medium Parcel20kgHeavy Items
Tubes and Rolls 2 kgTissue papers

What Advantage Does First Class Stamp Over Second Class Stamp?

A higher percentage of U.K Citizens prefers to use Second class stamp because of their low cost. However, the first-class stamp has a lot of advantages over the second-class stamp, but that does not negate the use of the second-class stamp.

Below are the advantages of a first-class stamp over a second-class stamp.

1. Faster and Secure Delivery

With a first-class stamp on your mail, it arrives at its destination within 24 hours or less than that.

Besides, first-class mail gets priority treatment over second-class mail as first-class stamped mail is processed and delivered before second-class mail, making it an ideal option for urgent or time-sensitive messages.

2. Greater Flexibility

There is greater flexibility regarding the size and weight of your mail, as you can send something slightly larger or heavier than usual.

 First-class stamped mail can weigh up to 100g, while second-class mail has a maximum weight of 2kg. 

3. Tracking

First-class stamps permit tracking your mail, especially If you’re sending something valuable.

With tracking, you can rest assured that your mail is secured, as you can see the location of your mail and get updates when it reaches its destination. 

This feature is not available when using a second-class stamp. However, few mail delivery companies in the U.K. permits it if you are sending internationally.

4. Professional Image

Anything professional such as a job application is best sent with a first-class stamp as it stands out among other mail, giving your mail a professional look.

Besides, a first-class stamp can make you look reliable to your clients, colleagues, or business partners. It’s a subtle way of conveying that you value their time and business, which can help to build strong relationships over time.

Other advantages of using first-class stamps include the following;

  • Improves the postal order service.
  • It opens your company up to better customer service.
  • Priority markings.

What Advantage Does Second Class Stamp Over First Class Stamp?

Are you constantly using first-class stamps for your mailings? It’s time to reconsider and think about the benefits of using a second-class stamp instead.

1. It is Cheaper

A second-class stamp is cheaper than a first-class stamp as it saves significant money, especially if you send many letters or packages.

2. Friendly Timing

The delayed delivery time when using second-class mail can sometimes work to your advantage as it helps to spread the delivery over a few days, especially when sending a promotional or marketing message.

3. More Environmentally Friendly

Another great thing about second-class mail is that it is more environmentally friendly than first-class mail. 

Second-class mail is also delivered in bulk, which means fewer journeys for the postal service and a reduced carbon footprint. You’re doing your part for the environment and helping to minimize your impact on the planet.

It also helps to reduce the anxiety associated with tight deadlines and gives you more breathing room to focus on other essential tasks.


Stamps are the backbone of the UK postal system, allowing us to send all sorts of goodies and messages to our loved ones nationwide. As of February 2023, a first-class stamp costs 85 pence, while you can snag a second-class stamp for 70 pence. Remember, these rates can fluctuate, so double-check before you send your parcel off on its way.

Despite our digital age, there’s something magical about receiving tangible mail. A handwritten note or thoughtful package can brighten someone’s day more than a quick message on social media. So, grab a stamp to give it a personal touch, whether you’re sending a special card, a little care package, or a postcard to share your travels.

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