How Much Does an Abortion Cost in the UK?

how much does abortion cost in UK

Abortion is a common medical procedure in the UK. It can be used as a method of birth control or treatment for medical problems such as rape or incest. In 2021, over 200,000 women had abortions around the state. Many government and private services in the UK offer abortion.

Regarding abortion costs, you must know that the prices largely depend on several factors, including the laws guiding abortion in the state, the pregnancy duration, the abortion method you intend to use, and the level of healthcare facilities available in the state.

Abortion costs in places like Liverpool and manchester are usually more expensive than in other parts of England. This is because their healthcare facilities are usually more developed. We will discuss everything you should know regarding the cost of an abortion in the UK and below.

If you want an abortion in the UK, you should know it’s free in any NHS hospital. The NHS allows for free abortions. All you need to do is walk into any NHS hospital or specialist. While abortions are free in most government hospitals, you can choose to have and pay for a private abortion. The costs of these private abortions usually depend on several factors, including the pregnancy duration, the abortion type, the private practitioner you call, and a list of other factors.  For more private abortions, the costs range between 400 to 1600 pounds.

Some women prefer private abortions rather than having a free abortion because they are usually faster to book an appointment. You do not have to wait to see your GP and book an appointment when you have a private abortion. Some women also prefer private abortions as they feel more comfortable contacting the hospital directly.

How to Get an Abortion in the UK

Abortion might be common in the UK, but that doesn’t mean getting one is easy. You might need clarification on how to go about it having an abortion. Here is a guide on the steps to follow to have an abortion in the UK.

1. Check if You Meet the Abortion Criteria or Laws in the UK

Like other countries, there are several laws guiding abortions in the UK. One of the most common laws is the pregnancy duration law which states that You cannot have an abortion if you are more than 24 weeks pregnant. If you are more than 24 weeks pregnant, you will find it hard, if not impossible, to carry out an abortion in this country.

There are also other laws and criteria guiding abortion in the UK. These criteria are embedded in the abortion act of 1967. Check if you meet all these criteria before moving to the next step of the abortion process.

2. Contact your GP, Partner, or Parents

Your GP will likely refer you to a government-owned hospital where you can carry out the abortion process for free under the NHS scheme. All you need to do is inform the hospital representatives about who you are, as they will likely have your information already.  However, you might have to wait for a couple of days before you are given an appointment.

On the other hand, if you do not want to go through your GP, you can contact a specialist hospital direction and request an abortion. You will have to answer a few questions from the doctor before your request is approved.  Once your request is approved, a date will be given for the abortion. All these processes are usually done within one week.

3. Choose the Hospital You Want to Carry out the Process

Your GP will likely refer you to a government-owned hospital where you can carry out the abortion process for free under the NHS scheme. All you need to do is inform the hospital representatives about who you are, as they will likely have your information already.  However, you might have to wait for a couple of days before you are given an appointment.

On the other hand, if you do not want to go through your GP, you can contact a specialist hospital direction and request an abortion. You will have to answer a few questions from the doctor before your request is approved.  Once your request is approved, a date will be given for the abortion. All these processes are usually done within one week.

4. Choose the Abortion Procedure

Depending on how far along you are, your suitability for the procedure, and your personal preferences, there are two main types of abortion procedures that you can choose from: medical or surgical.

The medical procedure involves taking 2 sets of pills: mifepristone and misoprostol. These pills are taken with water to induce a miscarriage. The first pill blocks the hormones needed for the pregnancy to grow and is usually taken at the clinic. After 3 days, you will return for the second pill, usually placed in the mouth or vagina and allowed to dissolve. This second pill forces your body to expel the pregnancy, and it usually begins to take effect within 1 hour. You will need strong pain relievers to reduce the effect of pain and an antibiotic if any infection occurs during or after treatment.

The surgical procedure, on the other hand, is usually done at the clinic. There are 2 major types which are vacuum aspiration and evacuation.  The vacuum aspiration is usually a gentle suction to remove the pregnancy. This process takes 5 to 15 minutes, although you must spend all day at the hospital for observation.

5. Post-Procedure Rest and Maintenance

Depending on your chosen procedure, you will experience pain and bleeding once the abortion is over. This is where post-procedure rest and maintenance come in. You will need to take a couple of work days to rest and recover properly from the procedure.

You will also need ills such as antibiotics and pain relievers to reduce the pain and chances of an infection. You can speak to your doctor if you feel emotionally distraught due to the abortion.  You should be fully recovered within 7 to 10 days with proper rest.

When is the Abortion Pill the Best Option?

There are many reasons why people prefer taking abortion pills to go under the knife. If you are not more than 12 weeks pregnant, you should consider taking an abortion pill, as They have a higher chance of being effective. 

On the other hand, if you are more than 12 weeks pregnant, you should contact your GP or a doctor before taking an abortion pill. Such pills are less effective when the pregnancy duration is much longer.

Can I Use an Abortion Pill at Home?

You can use an abortion pill at home if you have had a proper medical assessment from the doctor. If you are less than 10 weeks pregnant, an approved doctor can allow you to take the pill at home as long as you meet the medical criteria.

However, if you are more than 10 weeks pregnant, you may be required to conduct your abortion procedure in the hospital.

What Are the Possible Risks Associated with Doing an Abortion?

Although abortion is a pretty common phenomenon, it is still quite risky as different women often suffer one adverse effect or another. Here are the possible risks associated with doing an abortion.

1. Needing another Procedure to Remove Parts of the Pregnancy that Have Stayed in the Womb

Although this is not a very common phenomenon, several women must go under the knife to remove parts of the pregnancy that remain in their bodies after the abortion. Failure to remove them in time can cause an infection and decay in the womb. 

2. Heavy Bleeding

Depending on how advanced the pregnancy is, there is a pretty good chance that you might experience heavy bleeding when you do an abortion. If you use the medical procedure, you will experience heavy bleeding when the fetus is forced out of your womb.

3. Sepsis or Infection

Sepsis is the extreme reaction of the body and immune system to an infection. If your abortion is handled properly, it can lead to you coming down with sepsis or an infection. Left untreated, it can damage your womb and cause life-threatening complications.

Which Is Better, Pills or Surgery?

The abortion method you should pick largely depends on your preference and how long you have carried the pregnancy. If the pregnancy is over 12 weeks, it is advisable to adopt the surgical procedure to terminate it. However, if it is less than 12 weeks, you can also use pills prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner. 


The abortion cost in the UK largely depends on where in the UK you reside. If you stay in places like manchester, abortion costs will be slightly higher than in less developed places in the United Kingdom. Abortion cost ranges between 400 pounds to 1800 pounds. However, you should know you can get a free abortion if you go to an NHS hospital. 

There are several things you must know when it comes to having an abortion in the UK. We have discussed all of these things and more in this article. 

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