How Much Does an Abortion Cost in the Canada?

abortion in canada

Abortions are pretty popular in Canada, as over 70,000 people are reported to have had an abortion in 2020 alone. There are different reasons for this high number of abortions. These reasons range from cultural beliefs to personal preferences and a lot more.

Regarding abortion in Canada, there is often a wide variation in the cost. This price variation depends on the abortion technique, the hospital, the level of development in the area or state, and much more. If you want an abortion, you might be curious about the cost of an abortion in this city. 

Different factors determine the cost of an abortion in Canada. These factors, which include the abortion technique you intend to use, how far you are in the pregnancy, and much more, determine whether you pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for your abortion. Averagely, a standard abortion procedure costs between $500 and $800. 

How Much is an Abortion Pill in Canada?

The abortion pill is one popular means or method people use to terminate a pregnancy in Canada. There are different types of abortion pills people use, and these abortion pills vary in price. They also vary in their mode of use.

In Canada, people use a medication called mifegymiso to end a pregnancy. This medication combines 2 different medications, mifepristone and misoprostol. This abortion pill costs around $500 and has a specific prescription.

What Are the Types of Abortion Procedures in Canada?

There are different abortion techniques you can adopt if you want to terminate a pregnancy in Canada. Below are some of the techniques, costs, and how it works.

1. Suction Aspiration Abortion

This is a popular type of abortion in Canada within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The abortion is done by giving the mother a local anesthetic. The womb is then stretched open, and a plastic tube with a knife-edged end is inserted. 

The suction machine, which is 30 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner, is turned on to suck out the womb’s contents. Since the baby’s bones are not yet properly formulated, different pieces and the placenta are sucked into a jar.

Once this is done, the doctor tries to combine all the body parts to ensure nothing is inside the mother’s body. If there is any body part left in the mother’s body, it can lead to serious infection for the mother. This procedure takes 5 to 15 minutes and costs less than $1000.

2. Dilation and Curettage Abortion

Dilation and curettage abortion is another popular abortion technique. This technique is very similar to suction aspiration in the sense that it also makes use of a suction machine. It is also done within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The only major difference is that a loop-shaped knife (curettage) is used at the end of the suction machine.

This method works by cutting the baby and the placenta into pieces. Once this is done, the pieces are scraped into a basin. This method costs between $600 and $1000 in Canada.

3. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) Abortion

This method is usually done within the first 18 weeks of pregnancy. Like the method above, dilation is used after the baby’s bones have hardened. An instrument with sharp edge teeth is inserted into the womb while the body pieces are twisted and removed.  

This procedure is then repeated to remove the arms and every other part of the body. If the head is too big to be removed, it will first be crushed before it is removed. The placenta is also cut and taken out to reduce the chances of infection. It is paramount to assemble all the parts to ensure nothing is left inside the mother. This procedure costs around $2000.

4. Prostaglandin Abortion

This is used in the first 4 to 6 months of pregnancy. This process involves using the drug prostaglandin during the latter months of pregnancy to cause forceful or premature labor of the baby.

Although this method is highly effective, it is still quite dangerous for the mother as it can result in complications. To prevent complications, the drug is often used in combination with RU468 and methotrexate. This method also costs around $2000.

5. Lethal Injection Abortion

This abortion is performed within the 5th to 9th month of pregnancy. This method, called an intracardiac injection abortion, involves inserting a needle into the baby’s heart. The baby’s heartbeat is stopped using a feticide injection (poison). This process takes 3 to 5 minutes.

After this process, the patient is sent home and can choose to have the dead baby removed by the same doctor or another physician. The process is also effective but is not 100% safe because complications can occur. Like the previous method, this method costs around $2000.

Is There Insurance for Abortion in Canada?

Different health insurance plans cover abortion in Canada. This insurance has different packages and is mainly for Canadian citizens. To enjoy abortion health insurance, you must consult a GP, which directs you to a government-owned hospital where you will be given an appointment.

Once it is time, you will be prepared for the process. The abortion technique is then chosen, and the procedure is carried out. Following an abortion, post-abortion maintenance is required. The whole process is covered by Canadian health insurance.

What Are the Possible Risks Associated with Abortion?

There are different risks associated with having an abortion. Here are some of the risks below.

1. Another Procedure to Remove the Pregnancy

This is one of the major complications associated with having an abortion. Depending on how far you are into the abortion, you might require another procedure to remove the pregnancy if the first procedure wasn’t well done.

Doing another procedure doesn’t just put you at another risk of complications; it also results in extra money being spent.

2. Infection

Infection is another popular risk you expose yourself to after an abortion. Countless women have contracted one infection or another while having an abortion.

These infections can result in fatal damage such as death, loss, or damage to the womb. Treatments for such infections can also cause several side effects. 

3. Heavy Bleeding/Death

At least 2 in 10 women experience heavy bleeding when they have an abortion. Bleeding can be fatal and sometimes leads to death. 

What Are the Most Effective Post-Abortion Treatments?

You can adopt different treatments to keep yourself healthy after an abortion. Here are some of the techniques below.

1. Take Adequate Drugs and Medication

This is the first thing you must do when you have an abortion. You must take time to get all the necessary drugs to recover your body fully. These drugs, when taken, reduce the chances of you contracting infections.

Some drugs your doctor will prescribe include pain relievers, antibiotics, and more. Once you take these drugs, you should be well to leave within one week.

2. Avoid Sex for One Week

This is one post-abortion care method many people tend to overlook. It is very important to avoid sexual activity for at least one week after an abortion. This will allow your Virginia to heal properly, as immediate sex after an abortion can result in more injuries and bruises to your Virginia and womb.

3. Do Not Use Tampons for One Week

If you had a surgical abortion, you must avoid using tampons for one week. Using tampons right after having a surgical abortion can result in severe infections in the womb. You must avoid wearing tampons for one week after your surgical abortion.


The price of an abortion in Canada depends on several factors, including the hospital, how far you are into pregnancy, the abortion method, and many other things. On average, abortions cost between $500 and $2000. We have discussed the cost of abortion and the abortion techniques you can adopt in Canada. Simply read through to get all the information you need.

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