10 Free Online Coding Courses With Certificates 2023

How Can I Become A 2022 Coder For Free?

Are you looking for Free Online Coding Courses With Certificates?

Do you need a list of reputable online universities where you may learn to code and obtain certificates without spending a dime?

Are you an aspiring programmer who wants to learn to code as a beginner? If so, keep reading to learn how to receive free online coding courses with certificates from anywhere in the world.

The world is now digital, and any ambitious online entrepreneur must learn skills such as coding. As a result, respected institutions have emerged in the United States and the United Kingdom to accommodate the increasing demand for coding.

In this article, we’ve listed 10 free online coding courses with certificates that you can take in 2023. So, sit back, relax, and get a hot coffee as we explore.

Many people used to think of coding as an unusual hobby for geeks dabbling with computers in their basements. However, coding has evolved from a hobby to a crucial employment skill over the last few years.

Most people choose free online coding courses because they are interested in expanding their knowledge and are involved in one or more activities. These online classes allow them to advance their coding knowledge without interfering with their work life.

Free Online Coding Courses With Certificates 2023

The demand for “coding” jobs has been growing and with it plenty of free online courses to get you started. Coding is both an art and a science that enables you work on what you like whilst being rewarded. The current shortage of coders has led to this field being in high demand meaning there are many opportunities for those willing to learn.

Below are 10 universities that offer free online coding courses with certificates.

1. Introduction to Computer Programming offered by University of London

The University of London has a free introductory course on computer programming, which you can take online. This course is designed for people with no prior experience in programming and it teaches basic concepts in programming as well as how to program using C/C++. The course also covers other important topics such as debugging, testing, and project management.

The course is divided into three modules:

Introduction to Programming (Python) – This module will teach you how to program using Python. You’ll learn how to write programs that interact with users, generate simple graphics and animations, and handle files. You’ll also gain an understanding of how computers work at a fundamental level.

Command Line Interface – In this module you’ll learn about command line interfaces and how they can help you automate tasks on your computer or even build full-fledged applications (like a calculator).

Advanced Topics in Programming – In this module you’ll learn about functional programming languages such as Haskell; object-oriented languages like Java; functional reactive programming (FRP); logic programming languages like Prolog; type systems; garbage collection; concurrency; parallelism; data structures such as trees and hash table

2. Learn to Program: The Fundamentals offered by University of Toronto

The University of Toronto offers a free online coding course called Learn to Program: The Fundamentals. It’s the first in a series of three courses that will teach you how to code. The course uses Java as the teaching language, but you don’t need any programming experience to get started. The course takes about two months to complete and includes videos and interactive exercises. You’ll learn about variables, objects and classes in the first part of the course, then move on to loops, conditionals and functions in the second half.

I’ve taken this course and found it easy to follow along with even if I’m not an experienced programmer. You’ll learn concepts at a slow pace so that you can digest them fully before moving on to something new.

3. Learn Python The Easy Way: Offered by University of Toronto

Learn Python The Easy Way is another free online coding course that teaches Python through a step-by-step process with simple explanations and exercises. It’s designed for people who have never written code before, so no previous experience is required!

The first chapter introduces basic concepts like variables, expressions and conditions using text prompts instead of code editors or IDEs (integrated development environments).

4. HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers offered by Johns Hopkins University

If you’re looking for free online coding courses, you can’t go wrong with the ones offered by Johns Hopkins University. They have a selection of 10 different classes that you can take at your own pace and in your own time.

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers is one of the most popular courses on this list. The class covers HTML5 and CSS3, which are essential skills for anyone who wants to get into web development.

You’ll learn how to create a responsive layout using fluid grids, flexible media types, and CSS3 media queries. You’ll also learn about HTML5 elements like sectioning elements and article tags. You’ll learn about CSS properties like rounded corners and box shadow effects. And finally, you’ll learn about JavaScript functions like document readiness, event listeners, and an introduction to jQuery syntax.

5. Python for Everybody offered by University of Michigan

Python for Everybody is a free online course that teaches the basics of programming in Python. This course is offered by University of Michigan and it’s designed for non-programmers who want to learn how to code.

Python is a general-purpose programming language that’s used by companies like Google and NASA. It’s also one of the easiest programming languages to learn, which makes it ideal for beginners.

This online course teaches you how to use Python to solve real-world problems. The course consists of 12 lessons and each lesson covers a different topic like loops, functions, objects and more.

In addition to learning Python fundamentals, this course also covers web development with Django — a popular web framework written in Python — which will help you build websites from scratch using Django templates and other tools.

6. Coding for Everyone: C and C++ offered by University of California, Santa Cruz

This course is designed to teach you the basics of programming in C and C++. It’s designed for students with no prior programming experience, although it also serves as a good refresher course for those who need to brush up on their skills. The course consists of 12 lessons that cover everything from basic syntax and variable types to loops, functions and arrays. Each lesson contains an interactive quiz that tests your knowledge before moving onto the next topic. You’ll also receive feedback on your code, which will help you improve your skills as you move forward.

The course covers all two of the languages’ syntax and concepts, but it doesn’t go into much depth about either C or C++. If you’re interested in learning more about these languages beyond what’s offered here, check out our list of best coding courses for more options.

7. Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming offered by The University of Edinburgh

Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming is an online course that teaches you how to program. The course is taught by experts in the field, Dr. Abigail Clements, who has been teaching programming for over 20 years, and Chris Myers, who is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Edinburgh and has been teaching for over 15 years.

The Code Yourself! course consists of multiple videos that cover all the basics of programming including data types, operators and expressions, control flow, functions and objects. There are also exercises which allow you to practice what you’ve learned along with a final project which allows you to create your own game using JavaScript.

At the end of this course you will receive a certificate from The University of Edinburgh which can be added to your LinkedIn profile or CV for free!

7. Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals offered by Duke University

This is the first course in a series of four that will introduce you to Java programming, a popular object-oriented language used for developing applications and programs.

The curriculum includes lectures, assignments and exams.

In this course, you will learn how to write simple Java programs using the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). You will also learn about variables and data types, as well as how to make decisions using if statements.

You’ll go on to learn about loops and arrays, as well as how to work with text files. You’ll also learn about classes and objects, as well as how to use exceptions to handle errors in your programs.

At the end of this course, you will be able to write simple Java programs using Eclipse IDE; create functions; use if-statements; create loops; use arrays; create classes; use exceptions; read/write text files.

8. Introduction to Python Programming offered by University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania is offering a course titled Introduction to Python Programming. The course introduces students to the Python programming language, which is used for general-purpose programming and web development.

This course covers the basics of coding and algorithm design, including using functions and classes, data structures, testing, debugging and unit testing, as well as object-oriented programming. Students will be expected to complete assignments in order to demonstrate that they understand the material being taught in the course.

Python is a general-purpose programming language used for web development, interactive applications, desktop applications and more. It was named after Monty Python’s Flying Circus (a British comedy troupe), though it only superficially resembles that group’s humor.

The course was originally offered in Spring 2016 but has been reworked and re-offered this semester on Coursera as part of their new Specialization program. The Specialization consists of four courses — each one building on previous ones — that together provide an introduction to computer science principles through a real-world case study and solving problems with algorithms.

9. Coding for beginners offered by Yale University

Coding is the language of the digital world. It is a skill that will help you get a job in any industry, and it is also essential to understand if we want to build our own websites, apps and more. This course explores the basics of coding, so you can understand how websites are made and build them yourself.

Yale University offers this free online course that teaches you how to code using JavaScript. The course covers how to create interactive web pages with HTML and CSS, as well as how to write your own code using JavaScript. The lessons are broken down into easy-to-follow sections that cover everything from basic coding techniques to complex programming concepts.

10. Javascript 101 offered by University of California

The University of California, Berkeley offers a free online course in Javascript programming. The course is called “Javascript 101.” You can take the course at any time and see your progress through the course as you complete assignments. There are no grades and no tests.

The course is designed for beginners who have never programmed before. It covers basic programming concepts such as variables, loops and functions, but it also goes further into topics such as event handling, animation, DOM manipulation and Ajax requests.

The course is taught with the help of videos and animations, so you don’t have to type in any code yourself. But if you want to test yourself on what you’ve learned, there are quizzes throughout the course that will allow you to do this.


Why choose free online coding courses?

You can develop as a software engineer, a student, a tech enthusiast, and in a variety of other ways by taking free online coding courses.

What Are the Advantages of Obtaining a Free Online Coding Certificate?

Free Online Coding certificates will help you stand out in job applications by demonstrating your devotion to learning as well as proving your professional skills.Free online coding certificates also help applicants stand out from the crowd.

What are the Free Online Coding Courses?

Here is a list of the Free Online Coding Courses:

  • Introduction to Computer Programming
  • Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
  • HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
  • Python for Everybody
  • Coding for Everyone: C and C++
  • Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming
  • Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Python Programming

Are there Universities that offer free Online Coding Courses?

Below are the Universities that offer Free Online Coding Courses:

  • University of London
  • University of Toronto
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • University of Michigan
  • University Of California, Santa Cruz
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • Duke University
  • University of Pennsylvania

These free online Coding courses with certificates are for you if you want a free and trustworthy way to learn coding.

Finally, taking one or more of the free online coding courses mentioned above will expand your knowledge while also improving your résumé.

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