Top 10 Online Psychology Courses That Are Accredited

Which Online Psychology Course Is Best?

This article will end your search for high-quality online psychology courses that are accredited. Firstly, make sure to take notes as we proceed.

Psychology is an excellent course to major in. However, it is a prerequisite for various niches in the medical and business field.

Approximately 50% of offline students in the world have notable challenges with the study pattern of always having to go to school while 100% are physically present. Therefore, studying online has helped relieve the difficulties of offline studies.

It has also come to our notice that people face a lot of challenges in their search for an accredited online Psychology course.

10 Best Online Psychology Courses that are Accredited

It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of gathering much knowledge on a course before applying; check these courses below and choose whichever is right for you. Below are the best accredited Psychology courses online for you to benefit from:

1. Introduction to Psychology Online Course

The Introduction to Psychology is a course that will help you gain a basic understanding of the nature, function and development of human behavior. This course is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).

The course offers an overview of the major areas of psychology such as social, cognitive, physiological, developmental and personality psychology. You will also learn about how psychologists study the mind and behavior in order to understand and explain the nature or cause of psychological processes.

The course will provide you with an opportunity to learn about various topics including memory, perception and sensation, language, intelligence, thinking and reasoning, development of personality and social behavior among others. The course also covers topics such as anxiety disorders, depression, abnormal behavior and mental disorders among many others.

This online psychology course is offered by University of Texas.

2. Online Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology -addiction

The online Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology -addiction program from Walden University. This program is designed to help you understand the reasons behind the current epidemic of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as how to prevent addiction from occurring in those who are at risk. You will learn about how to identify signs of addiction and provide appropriate treatment.

In addition, you will gain an understanding of the role that genetics, biology and environment play in creating addictive behavior. You will also study ethical issues surrounding addiction treatment and intervention strategies used by professionals working in this field.

The curriculum includes courses such as:

Addiction Counseling: A Holistic Approach

Addiction Psychology

Alcohol Use Disorders: Prevention & Intervention

Drug Use Disorders: Prevention & Intervention

It takes four years to complete this course, nevertheless, the knowledge to be gained makes it worth the time. This course is offered by the University of Florida.

3. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Online

The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Online degree program offered by University of Georgia provides students a broad introduction to the field of psychology by providing them with a strong foundation in both theory and practice. Students will be able to explore different aspects of human behavior including cognition, personality development, psychopathology, developmental disorders and mental health issues.

Students will also learn about research methods used by psychologists during their studies. Upon completion of this degree program students will be eligible for licensure as Professional Counselors in most states. A Bachelor’s degree is required for licensure as a psychologist or counselor in most states; however some states require a graduate degree (Master’s) instead.

Students who are interested in obtaining a Masters Degree may continue their studies by earning an MA or MS in Clinical Psychology from an accredited university after completing

4. History and Systems in Psychology

This course offered by University of Michigan helps students understand the history of psychology and how it has evolved over time. It also gives students an introduction to different types of therapies used today, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, hypnotherapy, narrative therapy and cognitive restructuring therapy.

Students will also learn about personality theories like Freudian theory or Jungian theory as well as other topics such as neuroscience or memory research. This course will help prepare students for future courses in this area or even careers as psychologists themselves!

5. Statistics Method in Psychology 

The University of Georgia offers a course on statistics in psychology that is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). This course can be taken online or on campus and is divided into two parts. Part one addresses the basic principles of studying data, including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and classical statistical tests. Part two focuses on advanced study of these concepts and their use in research.

Students will learn how to analyze data using SPSS software as well as how to interpret results using tables and graphs. They will also gain an understanding of how regression analysis can be used to predict future outcomes based on past patterns of behavior.

The University of Georgia’s Master’s Degree in Psychology program provides students with the opportunity to pursue a variety of specializations within their degree track. Students may choose from several concentrations, including clinical psychology, counseling psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, school psychology or social/behavioral science. If you are interested in earning your master’s degree online then this program may be a good option for you as it offers both onsite and distance learning options for students who may not be able to attend classes at the university’s main campus location due to work or family commitments.

6. Bachelor of Science in Psychology 

A Bachelor of Science in Psychology is the most common degree for those who want to pursue a career as a psychologist. Students are required to take a wide range of courses in order to gain a broad understanding of the human mind, behavior and society.

Bachelor’s degrees are typically awarded after four years of full-time study, but some universities also offer accelerated programs that can be completed in three years. The following accredited online psychology degree programs are designed to help students prepare for careers as professionals in mental health counseling, social work or similar fields.

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro offers an online Bachelor of Science degree program in psychology through its School of Education and Human Development. The program combines theory and practical application so that students can develop critical thinking and problem solving skills while learning about human behavior and interpersonal relationships.

7. Online Masters in Educational Psychology 

An Online Masters in Educational Psychology is a great way to advance your career as a psychologist. You can study in the comfort of your own home and receive the same quality education as a traditional student. You will learn how to apply psychological principles to solve real-world problems, such as how to improve classroom learning and reduce dropouts.

The University of Phoenix offers an Online Masters in Educational Psychology that is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The curriculum covers topics such as educational psychology, counseling theories and techniques, human development across the lifespan, methods of teaching and learning, and more.

Students who successfully complete this program are eligible for licensure in most states.

8. Online M.S Business Psychology

The Master of Science in Business Psychology program at the University of Texas is designed to help students develop skills in leadership, management, and organizational behavior. The curriculum is designed so that students can pursue their degrees while continuing to work full-time. The program takes two years to complete and is offered on a part-time basis only.

Students in this program learn how to apply the latest research findings from psychology and other disciplines to provide solutions for business issues, such as employee retention, customer service, and employee productivity. The program also emphasizes practical application of theoretical concepts through fieldwork placements where students can apply their knowledge in real-world settings.

The School of Business offers an online degree completion program for working professionals who need flexibility without sacrificing quality education. Those enrolled in this degree program may choose from four different concentrations: accounting; business administration (management); finance; or human resources management (HRM). Students can also pursue a specialization within one of these concentrations if they wish to increase their knowledge base in a specific area of business administration.

9. Online Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

The online Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology is designed to prepare students for careers in industrial and organizational psychology as well as related fields. Students who complete this program will be able to apply their skills and knowledge to a wide range of settings including private industry, government agencies, non-profit organizations and academia.

The program is designed to help students develop a strong understanding of the theoretical foundations of I-O psychology, including its history, theories and methods. It also provides students with an understanding of how I-O psychology can be applied to a variety of organizations in different settings.

Students who successfully complete this program will receive a Master of Science degree in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from Touro University International’s (TUI) California campus.

The online program consists of 33 credit hours. Students must complete 21 credits comprised of core courses and electives that are selected by the student with an adviser’s approval. The remaining 12 credits may be satisfied by electives or additional courses if desired.

10. Online Health Psychology

Online Health Psychology is an online course that explores the psychological aspects of health and illness. This course is offered by the University of Liverpool.

The course has been designed to help give you a greater understanding of how psychological factors influence health and illness, including stress, anxiety and depression. You will also learn about the key roles that the brain plays in maintaining good mental health and how it can be affected by physical illness. This course will also explore some of the latest research into mental health issues such as addiction, eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This online psychology course is suitable for anyone who wants to understand more about how psychology relates to health and healing. It is ideal for those who want to pursue a career in mental health or simply want to gain an insight into this area of study.

Furthermore, students require approximately, 30 months to acquire a master’s degree in online health psychology from the University of Liverpool.

Online Psychology Tuition Fees

The tuition fees for an online psychology degree vary depending on the type of program you choose. For example, if you want to earn a Ph.D., expect to pay about $15,000 per year for tuition alone. A master’s degree will cost about $6,500 per year plus additional fees for books and other course materials. If you’re interested in earning an associate’s degree, expect to pay anywhere from $2,000-$4,000 per year plus additional costs for books and other course materials. Some programs may offer free tuition if you are able to meet certain requirements such as maintaining a certain GPA or meeting certain deadlines throughout the semester/year (i.e., submitting assignments).

FAQs about Online Psychology Courses

Who offers accredited online psychology courses?

Accredited online courses are offered by Colleges, bodies and institutions that have been supervised, licensed and approved to teach distanced psychology. These institutions and bodies are accredited to offer these online courses after all measures to ensure effective distance learning are met.

What is the difference between online psychology courses and offline psychology courses?

The basic difference between online psychology and offline psychology is distance. The seriousness of lectures and class tasks are the same.

Who can take online Psychology Courses?

The requirements to take online psychology courses vary with the institution and course type. Some require the qualifications of a high school graduate while others require more than that. Read on the course about.

How many credits are required to complete an online psychology course?

The credit unit required is dependent on the particular psychology course you intend to take.

What are the different types of online psychology degrees?

There are many types of online psychology degrees. Psychology is so vast. It touches almost all aspects of life.


To summarise, you should note that online psychology courses do have their different requirements and study plans. You have to carefully read through the about of the courses listed here, and make sure to pick one suitable for your career, schedule and qualification.

Additionally, don’t make assumptions, ask questions if not clear. Make the best out of this article on online Psychology courses that are accredited brought to you by WSH.

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