Best Nursing Schools In Canada

Top Colleges Universities For Nursing In Canada

Are you looking forward to studying in some of the best nursing schools in Canada? Studying outside your country can be fun and bring experiences from the lifestyle of your country of choice. But the high standard of living in the country can be a problem for the foreigner r intending student. In addition, studying nursing in Canada requires a lot, especially financial capability.

This all depends on the kind if program you are applying for a program or institution. You have your own tuition fee. For example, studying nursing in Canada can cost you an average of 40,000 Canadian dollars per year. Therefore, nurses are very vital to the community and medical field.

Their importance is growing each year drastically, a report from the Conference Board of Canada predicted that Canada would be in of nurses, and the number will double from 64,000-142,000 in the next 10 years as the population increases.

This has shown you the probability of having a job when you graduate from any university offering Nursing in Canada.

One benefit of studying Nursing in Canada is that the salary is above average salaries in Canada’s payment scheme, and they also offer job security.

Nursing in Canada plays different roles in their native communities. These roles ranks from the general service nurses offer in hospitals; they go for outreaches, education through community and public health Nursing, and their roles in research, policy-making, and lecturing.

 Canada school of Nursing and Colleges offer some of the world’s most exemplary Nursing degree programs. Studying Nursing in Canada can last for four years for an undergraduate program, and students will be tutored and taught how to go about Nursing and their responsibilities both to hospitals and their immediate surroundings. All this will be practical.

 The postgraduate program lasts for one or two years. Generally, the number of years spent in Canada’s Nursing school depends on the type of university selected and the courses taught in that institution. 

You can be well assured that you will indeed have a job in their line of field when you graduate from a Nursing school in Canada. There are three Nursing categories in Canada which includes

  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN).

Top Colleges/Universities For Nursing In Canada

Finally, getting a nursing degree in Canada is many people’s idea of a dream come true. Not only will you have fun and benefit from the high-quality education that the educational institutions in Canada have to offer, but you’ll also have a better chance of landing a good job if you choose to begin your nursing career in Canada as soon as you graduate from nursing school.

Because of the constraints of your location, you should probably give some thought to the subfield of nursing that most interests you before pursuing it as a profession.

1. University of Toronto

This is one of the oldest universities in Canada, which provides a comprehensive number of degree programs in which Nursing is part and under the faculty of Health Sciences. The University of Toronto are well known for making extraordinary graduates in health programs.

This university program provides students of nursing with a good structure which helps to guide the students to a fulfilling career, the nursing courses at the University of Toronto are all internationally recognized.

The University of Toronto Lawrence S. Blomberg Faculty of Nursing only has a full-time nursing program, and it is also a two-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program.

 This program provides graduates with intensive training, which is needed to showcase your knowledge in caring for patients that has a range of needs. The assurance of being employed after graduating from this prestigious University Nursing program. It is 93% after six months and 94% after two years.

The graduation rate is 96.2%. In addition, the QS world university ranking has placed the University of Toronto nursing program in the second position amongst other nursing schools.

2. University of Alberta

This institution is also very old and one of the best universities in Canada. The university offers four undergraduate programs, which will lead to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN).

 They have a collaborative program with other colleges in the nursing programs like Red Deer College, Keyance College (Fort McMurray) or Grande Prairie Regional College.

Those four intuitions are all affiliated, and as such, you can go to any of the nursing schools, at which by the fourth year of a four-year course you can apply to the university of Alberta, which will see them as a student of the university or the students can complete their school in their primary college they started from.

The University of Alberta school of nursing offers many nursing programs and degrees at the bachelor’s and post-graduate levels. According to Maclean’s 2023 Canadian University Rankings, the University of Alberta has the third-best education program and provides the greatest nursing education in Canada.

University of Alberta President Bill Flanagan expressed his delight at the school’s nursing and teaching departments being honored. “Our nursing and teaching alums are on the front lines,” he said, “ ready to take on the task of combating COVID-19, thanks in large part to the unwavering dedication to program quality and innovation in our schools of nursing and teaching”.

Acting dean Diane Kunyk believes this recognition is a result of the hard work and dedication of the nursing faculty, staff, and students. She pointed out that nursing research is becoming more widely available thanks to its rising importance and that it is now a regular feature in the media and on the desks of policymakers.

3. Universite’ de Montreal

This institution is of High class and offers quality nursing programs. The school of nursing in this university in the QS world ranking for nursing schools is 51.

 Courses here are taught in French, so you will need to learn French first before becoming a student at this prestigious university. They offer Nursing programs like a Bachelor of science in nursing, master’s programs, nurse practitioner diplomas, and many others.

This university’s nursing school, which is included in the QS World Universities ranking of the best nursing schools in the world, comes in positions 51 and 100 overall. Because the nursing programs at the University of Montreal are taught in French, the language can be a source of concern for students from other countries who wish to pursue nursing degrees there.

To begin your studies, you will need to demonstrate that you have a working knowledge of the language. When it comes to the cost of tuition, international students may anticipate paying anything from $1,195 to $8,186 each session.

4. McMaster University

This is another good university where it nursing school is extensively recognized. The QS world ranking has the McMaster university school of nursing at 19th position.

The nursing school offers various degree programs and also diplomas. Nursing students at McMaster university obtain clinical placement in health care and community agencies of Hamilton, Brantford, Halton, and its surrounding areas. This will give the student a superb experience.

 The University offers a four-year degree program and collaborates with Mohawk College and Conestoga College.

 Students are sent to local teaching hospitals and community health settings for intensive training. The employment assurance rate for students of McMaster nursing school graduates is 95.5% after six months and 97.1% after two years.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at McMaster University has three tracks: a basic track, an accelerated track, and a post-diploma RPN track. The Basic Course is a four-year integrated program of study provided at the McMaster, Mohawk, and Conestoga locations for students who have no previous nursing education and are interested in pursuing a career in nursing.

After six months, the employment rate for nursing graduates from McMaster is 95.5 percent, and after two years, the employment rate is 97.1 percent. The percentage of students that graduate is 81.8%.

5. McGill University

Since 1920, students have been able to get a nursing education at the McGill University School of Nursing in Montreal. It provides five different formal programs at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate levels, each of which may be customized to meet the educational history of students as well as the particular interests they choose to pursue.

Students get their education at the network of McGill teaching hospitals as well as community health institutions located across the surrounding areas. There are three bachelor’s degree programs available to select from. One is an online Bachelor of Nursing (Integrated) program for those who already possess a nursing diploma from a CEGEP and is scheduled to admit its first cohort in September 2021. All of the courses for that program are available online, except for the clinical classes.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree may be completed in three to four years, emphasizing complicated and modern nursing concerns. Students in their first year participate in clinical research in the community and get experience in various settings, including hospitals and communities. In the third and final year of the program, there is an opportunity to spend one semester studying in another country.

Students get instruction in various topics about the nursing, social, and biological sciences. The curriculum includes topics such as essential nursing competence, skills, and critical thinking; infection prevention and control; nursing older persons; fostering the development of young families; pharmacology; and legal, ethical, and professional practice challenges.

6. University of British Columbia

This prestigious institution is also ranked as one of the best nursing school in Canada. The school of nursing at the University of British Columbia shares the campus with the departments related to medicine.

Faculty members of nursing schools serve the Ministry of Health’s health authorities as advisors and teach Informatics. They have partnerships with some hospitals like Fraser hospital, Providence health care, Vancouver Coastal health care, and Provincial Health Services Authority.

The University of British Columbia school of nursing offers degrees like a Bachelor of Science in nursing, one of the leading degrees among Canadian schools of nursing.

Students can only study Bachelor of science in nursing when they have completed their third year in their Bachelor’s degree or reached the minimum credit hours of 48 in a different field of study at the university or other colleges or universities.

7. University of Calgary

This is another good university with a school of nursing in Canada. They might not be as old as others but they have accredited courses and programs.

There are three path to a bachelor of nursing degree at the University of Calgary; a four-year program with the university, a 28-month program in which you can be transferred from another university or college, and a 24-month program for students who had already acquired a degree from another institution.

There are three ways to get a Bachelor of Nursing degree from the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Nursing, which has been around for more than half a century. In the first year of nursing school, students must take several foundational courses, such as anatomy and physiology, English, statistics, and philosophy.

These courses help students prepare for future nursing practice and provide opportunities for students to explore their own personal interests. By the end of the third term, students have learned fundamental practice skills such as communication and having a holistic picture of the patient. During the semester, seven students participated in practical settings and attempted to connect theory and practice.

In the final semester, students participate in practical activities on and off campus. Students at the University of Calgary study not just primary care and health promotion but also nursing as a scholarly endeavor, which involves analysis, critical thinking, and research. Other topics covered include the following:

8. University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa is the institution that holds the title of the world’s most significant bilingual university. Students at the University of Ottawa’s school of nursing are prepared to provide high-quality care, take leadership positions in the healthcare profession, and contribute to continuing research and community involvement to advance health and well-being in the local and global communities.

Both English and French are recognized as official languages in Canada; thus, students may choose which language they would want to study in for their undergraduate degree. In addition, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree may be earned exclusively via the university’s curriculum, which lasts for four years.

In addition, there is a bridge program for registered practical nurses and nurses who have received their education outside of the United States. The institution also offers graduate-level nursing education at the master’s and doctoral levels.

9. Dalhousie University

The Faculty of Health Professions at Dalhousie was formed in 1949, and inside that faculty is where Dalhousie’s School of Nursing can be found.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree allows students to finish their nursing degree in three years as a direct entry student, or in two years as an Advanced Standing student, depending on the school they attend. This opportunity is available regionally, nationally, and internationally.

In addition to learning about human anatomy and physiology, you will investigate the many different aspects of nursing, such as correct cleanliness procedures, mobility protocols, legal difficulties, and ethical considerations in the medical field. There are a variety of classes available, such as health science, microbiology, nursing, and family health.

What is Dalhousie’s acceptance rate?

The admission rate at Dalhousie University ranges from around 60 to 70 percent, with minor shifts occurring year. To be accepted into a program, a student must satisfy not only the basic admission standards but also the unique requirements. Please be aware that satisfying the entrance standards does not guarantee that you will be admitted.

10. Queen’s University

The nursing program at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, has been around for over seventy-five years, and it has earned a well-deserved reputation for excellence amid a small city that offers students a wide variety of opportunities for clinical placement, ranging from hospitals to correctional facilities.

Queen’s University, which strongly emphasizes research, ensures that the nursing program’s coursework is up-to-date and relevant. It is a component of Queen’s University’s Faculty of Health Sciences and offers possible professional education and collaboration.

The Bachelor of Nursing program is a four-year curriculum that provides students with an opportunity to get a hands-on practical learning experience in various clinical settings, including the School of Nursing Simulation Lab and the GSK Clinical Education Centre. Every student rotates among pediatrics, obstetrics, mental health, medical-surgical, and community care throughout the program.

Students of nursing will have the chance to collaborate with students and professionals from other health professions and to engage in conversation with these individuals.

 Every student in the program must take classes and participate in clinical rotations in various nursing specializations, including maternal and child family-centered nursing care, medical and post-surgical nursing care, mental health nursing care, and management and leadership in health care.

Students must perform clinical experience in various settings throughout years two, three, and four of the degree program. These settings include children’s, maternity, mental health, hospitalized patients, and community care.

11. Memorial University

The sole university in Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial is regarded as one of Canada’s best research institutions. The Bachelor of Nursing (BN) collaborative program at Memorial University is offered in three locations: the Faculty of Nursing at Memorial University, the Centre for Nursing Studies at Memorial University, both in St. John’s, and the Western Regional School of Nursing in Corner Brook.

The three sites’ courses follow the same curriculum, integrating cutting-edge instructional practices with hands-on, real-world experience. The Bachelor of Nursing degree at Memorial Is intended to provide students with the education and training necessary to pursue professions in a wide range of healthcare settings.

There is a degree program that takes four years to complete, an alternative that may be completed in three years, and a bridging program for LPNs. The BN program provides students with various nursing practice experiences, both class and virtual, including care for actual and fictitious patients.

 Students who successfully complete the program will have accrued more than 1,600 hours of clinical experience. The many classes cover various topics, such as health assessment, health promotion, anatomy and physiology, therapeutic partnerships, and microbiology for nurses.

12. University of Saskatchewan

In 1938, the University of Saskatchewan’s School of Medical Sciences welcomed its first students into a new department that would later become the College of Nursing. At the University of Saskatchewan, students may choose between two different bachelor’s degree programs in nursing.

The University of Saskatchewan offers a four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, which begins with a year of pre-professional study and is followed by three years of actual nursing instruction. The first year of the nursing program lays the groundwork for the rest and consists of coursework in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and health sciences.

The nursing program at this school has the highest percentage of Aboriginal students of any school in the nation. As a result, the institution’s educational program has been modified to accommodate Indigenous worldviews towards health better.

The individual, the family, the community, and the country are the focal points of the medicine wheel. Various courses are available, including communications and professional relationships, human body systems for nursing, foundational care in clinical practice, microbiology and immunology for nursing,  patient and family-centered care in clinical practice, exploring chronicity and aging, and many more.

13. Nipissing University

Nipissing University offers a collaborative four-year program with Canadore College and a Registered Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) bridging program on campus that lasts for three years.

Both programs are designed to prepare students for careers in nursing. In addition, there is a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing blended delivery program that may be completed over the course of five years through part-time study and remote learning.

The various Bachelor of Science In Nursing (BScN) programs offer a variety of courses, some of which are as follows: aging and health; concepts in maternity, health assessment; and pediatric nursing; nursing older adults; maternal childcare; pharmacology; transcultural nursing; family nursing; nursing informatics; and nursing informatics. In addition, students can get clinical experience at the brand-new North Bay Regional Health Centre and other organizations located across the city.

14. The University of Laurentian

The School of Nursing at Laurentian University provides its students a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program in English and French. The curriculum lasts four years and culminates with an Honors Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree award.

A cooperative educational collaboration between Laurentian University and the Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Sciences, the Northern College of Applied Arts and Sciences, and the Sault College of Applied Arts and Sciences has been in place since the year 2000.

Students can finish all four years of the program at the educational establishment to which they have been enrolled once they have been accepted into the program.

The nursing field draws from various academic disciplines, including science, mathematics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and organizational management.

The education of future nurses will cover all of these aspects. It will prepare the student for a lifelong career, either locally or abroad, with potential openings in acute care hospitals, public health, community healthcare, telehealth, outpost nursing, research, education, healthcare management, and health policy development. The first year of the program is when students get their first taste of the practicing clinical component of the curriculum.

15. The University of Saint Francis Xavier

St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, is home to the Elizabeth and Thomas Rankin School of Nursing, which has trained nurses for most of the last century since its founding in 1926.

Students may choose between a regular Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree that takes four years and an expedited Bachelor of Science in Nursing program that can be completed in two years. Both programs are available to students joining the institution directly from high school.

Before applying, all prospective nursing program students are expected to complete the CASPer Assessment. It is a screener that can be accessed online, and its purpose is to assess a student’s personal and professional qualities.

Students in their first year take 30 credits worth of arts and science courses. After that, you will concentrate on nursing classes and clinical practice experiences in community health, mental health, acute care, maternity and childcare, pediatrics, and possibilities for foreign service learning.

Why Study Nursing In Canada?

Nursing is a great occupation that requires you to study a lot, and Canada Nursing schools can provide you with one of the best experiences in your schooling and training years. The following are the various reasons why you should study in a Canada Nursing school;

Nursing schools in Canada provide a high standard of education for their students and offer plenty of accredited courses, which helps you achieve a lot in the Nursing world. There is the provision of accessible training and tutoring for the students to have quality and exclusive practice of what is to be expected from you in the line of proper Nursing education.

Nurses in Canada are offered jobs after graduation, which guarantee you can have one. It could be Immediately, after 6-12 months, but indeed, there is a job for you. You will be offered employment based on your area of choice after your undergraduate program. Also, know that your salary scale solely depends on your area of choice, whether to be a registered Nurse, Practical Nurse, or Nurse practitioner. But be well assured that you will be paid well.

Plus, there are unions and several organizations which help to bring protection to the Nursing profession and assist in providing accommodation, pension, and extra job protections. The people of Canada are accommodating and full of hospitality. This makes studying to be fun and cool in the country. There is a high level of equality among foreigners and locals, which generally makes immigration to Canada something to be sure of doing, especially regarding education and job seeking.

Canada’s diverse cultures are all because of the number of immigrants there. Coming to Canada makes different cultures come into the country, and the best part is the ability to express yourself in the way your culture is. Foreigners are allowed to exhibit their culture while staying in Canada.

The primary language of Canada is the English language, and that makes it relate to with the locals and environment. English is used in teaching and job stations, making communication smooth between locals and foreigners.

How Much Does It Cost and How Long Does It Take to Become a Nurse in Canada?

When you consider the whole expense of living and attending school in your chosen nation, studying abroad is often a significant challenge for most people. However, studying for a nursing degree in Canada costs a lot more, and the tuition price structure would significantly rely on the sort of program you are hoping to take up and the institution of choice.

This is because the Canadian nursing education system is very specialized. Specific colleges charge international students a higher tuition fee than others, and some educational establishments provide financial aid through scholarships and other student awards, which may help you pay for your education.

It would cost roughly 40,000 Canadian Dollars (CAD) each year to study for a nursing bachelor’s degree in Canada, including the cost of tuition and living costs. In Canada, the undergraduate nursing curriculum typically lasts for around four years, during which students learn the skills necessary to practice as registered nurses after graduation.

Depending on the program, one or two years may be required to complete postgraduate study. It is essential to be aware of the fact that the length of your nursing program will be determined to a significant extent by the kinds of colleges you attend as well as the classes that are offered.

When you pursue a nursing education in Canada, you will have the opportunity to earn a degree that is recognized all over the world, increase your chances of finding a job, become qualified to work in any country in the world, learn about preventative treatments and precautions that can be taken to treat diseases and obtain a wealth of practical experience working in this field.

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