15 Best High Schools In Canada

What are the top 10 schools in Canada?

Are you looking for some of the best high schools in Canada? Look no further than Scholar delight. Due to the excellent level of teaching and the low tuition costs for Canadian residents, Canada is home to some of the world’s finest secondary educational institutions.

These best high schools in Canada are gaining popularity among international students due to Canada’s reputation as one of the countries that are most accommodating to students from other countries. 

Moreover, Canada is one country that provides the most opportunities for international students.

How Good Are Canadian High Schools?

The most recent assessment placed Canada in the top 10 in all three categories, making it one of the best places to live in the world. In addition, public schools in Canada scored far higher than those in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Ireland. 

This article details the best high schools in Canada for international students and the numerous perks associated with attending such schools.

Types Of High Schools In Canada 

A wide variety of private high schools exist to choose from. Combining two or more of these types is common practice in educational institutions. A school may be all-boys, all-girls, religious, or language-focused, to name a few possible configurations.

  • Traditional, Academic
  • All-Girls/All-Boys
  • Sports Schools
  • Special Needs Schools
  • The International Baccalaureate (IB) Schools
  • Co-educational schools
  • Faith Based Schools
  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • Round Square

How Is The High School Experience In Canada?

Children in Canada who are four or five years old have the option to start their educational careers by enrolling in Kindergarten for one or two years. Children are supposed to start attending school once they reach the age of six.

Depending on the province in Canada, the typical age of completion for compulsory education is sixteen years old.

In public schools in Canada, it is common practice to integrate genders within the same classroom. Students receive their education from teachers, most of whom hold degrees from four-year colleges or universities.

Here’s a list of some of the best high schools in the country:

  • Old Scona, Edmonton
  • Rundle College, Calgary
  • St Michael’s Choir (Sr), Toronto
  • York House, Vancouver
  • Crofton House, Vancouver
  • Columbia International College, Ontario
  • Albert College, Ontario
  • Unionville, Unionville
  • London Central, London [Ontario]
  • Bayview, Richmond Hill
  • Southridge, Surrey
  • Little Flower, Vancouver
  • Lakefield College School, Lakefield
  • Brentwood College School, Mill Bay
  • Pickering College, Ontario
  • West Point Grey, Vancouver
  • St George’s, Vancouver
  • Webber, Calgary
  • Ste Marguerite d’Youville, St. Albert
  • West Island College, Calgary
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Markham
  • St. Michaels University School, Victoria
  • Ridley College, Ontario
  • Appleby College, Ontario
  • Colonel By, Gloucester
  • Iroquois Ridge, Oakville
  • William Lyon Mackenzie, Toronto
  • Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts, Toronto
  • Bur Oak, Markham
  • St Michael, Kemptville
  • West Carleton, Dunrobin
  • St Robert, Thornhill
  • AFNORTH International, Brunssum
  • Brentwood College School, Cowichan Valley [BC]

Students in every province and territory must demonstrate that they have mastered a predetermined curriculum and abilities.

Now that you know what high school experience is like in Canada let me take you through the best high schools in Canada.

1. Rundle College, Calgary

One of the best high schools in Canada, Rundle College is an excellent private day school that welcomes students of both genders and is located in Calgary, Alberta. Kindergarten through twelfth-grade students can participate in an exceptional educational experience.

Children who are a good fit for Rundle Academy’s superior academic and extracurricular activities, which are designed specifically for students who have been diagnosed with a learning problem, including but not limited to ADHD, are something the school takes great pride in finding.

They do not offer any program or support services to pupils who apply to them with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

Individual Program Plans, or IPPs, are developed for each family’s children through collaborative efforts involving the parents, students, and educators.

Rundle Academy provides its students with individualized programs to aid them in overcoming challenges, and these programs are modeled around those found in the Alberta Education Curriculum.

They invite families interested in learning more about the school’s distinctive personality, academic programs, and extracurricular opportunities to take part in a virtual tour and attend one of their information sessions.

Through participation in these sessions, you will gain considerable insight into the Rundle experience and have the opportunity to speak with students and staff.

  • Tuition: $15,250 to 20,450/year
  • Avg. Class Size: 13 to 16
  • Grades: K to Gr. 12
  • Enrolment: 874

2. Columbia International College, Ontario

Students aged 13 to 19 are welcome to enroll at Columbia International College, one of Canada’s top and largest high schools, catering to international students. The institution is located in Hamilton, Ontario.

In addition to preparing students for entry into the university of their choice, the lessons offered at this high school not only broaden students’ intellectual and linguistic horizons but also teach them how to become responsible citizens of the world who can adjust to the rigors of studying in a foreign country.

Around 1300 new students are welcomed into the institution annually. Because it is regarded as one of the best secondary schools in Canada, it includes students from 66 nations.

When it comes to admissions and scholarships, CIC is the school that is the most competitive in all of Canada.

Does Columbia International College Offer Scholarships?

For the top four 4U students at Columbia International College who enroll in the fall, spring, or summer semester, the school awards a total of $9,000 in scholarships annually. Entrance If the student continues to match the criteria, the scholarship will be renewed annually for up to four years.

Graduates of CIC High School receive more admission offers from the following institutions than do graduates of any other high school in the world:

  • University of Toronto
  • University of Waterloo
  • McMaster University

Students attending this school have access to exceptional teaching staff and a wealth of resources, enabling them to receive the highest quality education and support available.

Students at this institution can take advantage of exclusive admission rights made available through the CIC University Partnership program.

  • Tuition fees: 7-8 grades: 20000 $ CAD / academic year, 9-12 grades: 12,000 $ CAD / 6 months, $ 16,000 CAD / 10 months, 20000 $ CAD / 12 months
  • Language support program ESL = 2000 $ CAD / course.

3. Old Scona, Edmonton

Old Scona Academic high school was established in 1976 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to offer a rigorous educational experience to high school students committed to excelling in all aspects of their lives.

Students who are granted admission will follow the Alberta Education and the International Baccalaureate curricula. In addition, the intellectual history of Old Scona provides the school with additional motivation to fulfill its mission of becoming a university preparatory school.

The annual standardized accomplishment data demonstrate that Old Scona is consistently ranked as one of the most successful educational institutions on the planet.

Students who are looking for enhanced academic difficulty and challenge can consider attending Old Scona High School, which is not only one of the oldest high schools in Western Canada but also a premier educational center, and one of the best high schools in Canada.

Their graduates are eligible for a wide variety of scholarships. They are also accepted to some of the most prestigious educational institutions in Canada and the rest of the world every year.

The school’s objective is to provide committed students who have demonstrated achievement and growth potential with the chance to choose a course of study that challenges and improves their educational experiences. As a result, the school has been rated one of the finest high schools in Canada. 

4. York House, Vancouver

Students from Kindergarten through Grade 12 can participate in York House’s cutting-edge and all-encompassing academic program. Since its founding in 1932, York House School has been committed to providing young women with an education of the highest caliber.

They instill each pupil with self-assurance and the feeling that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to. 

Is York House School Good?

Through the efforts of enthusiastic and engaging teachers and various creative activities, the students in this school are provided with opportunities to discover their capabilities and interests and the challenges that come with those discoveries.

The foundation of a York House School education is built on the pillars of academics, athletics, community service, and the arts.

Students are provided with challenging and innovative learning opportunities to acquire information, develop their character, and acquire the talents essential to become ethical global citizens and courageous leaders.

YHS, one of the best high schools in Canada, is committed to preparing students for life beyond high school and further study when they graduate.

Whether a Yorkie is learning how to solve problems via play or enrolling in an Advanced Placement course at the university level, our students are encouraged to develop the skills and attributes necessary for independence and a robust sense of self and agency.

Tuition: Annual Tuition Fee (Day): $24,200 – $25,300

5. Brentwood College School, Mill Bay

Brent College School is our number six pick on the best high schools in Canada with a unique and serene learning environment for its students. Boarding school for high school students in grades nine through twelve is provided for both male and female students at Brentwood. Students interested in attending the school are drawn to its innovative teaching style, university-level curriculum, and stunning coastline location.

Since its founding in 1923, this institution has been diligently developing into a transformative center for learning and leadership that is more akin to a traditional small college than a traditional boarding school.

While the children are gaining knowledge in a secure, caring, and loving setting, their primary mission is to facilitate the growth of the student’s independence and the skills necessary for their continued success after secondary school.

In the world of contemporary West Coast skateboarding, Brentwood has come to represent the ideal. Students have the opportunity to make friends that will last a lifetime while gaining an excellent education at this remarkable institution.

They extend a kind welcome to visitors and encourage you to integrate yourself into the community of Brentwood.

In addition to being a boarding school, Brentwood is also a school that offers day classes; it is indeed one of the best high schools in Canada. On the main campus, boarding is not an afterthought; rather, it is the institution’s primary source of revenue.

  • Tuition: $33,000
  • BC Boarding Student. $58,000
  • Canadian Boarding Student. $59,000
  • U.S. Boarding Students. $72,000
  • International Boarding Students $82,000 

6. Royal Crown Academic School

The Royal Crown Academic School is widely regarded as one of the best high schools in Canada, as well as one of Canada’s best private secondary schools. The Royal Crown Academic School, which can be found in the city of Toronto, in the province of Ontario, Canada, has a long and illustrious history of maintaining the best possible academic achievement standards.

The Royal Crown Academic Institution is one of Canada’s most peculiar private boarding schools. The school serves around 500 students, boys 3and girls, in grades 9 through 12. The path to achievement starts at Royal Crown.

Students have access to a comprehensive curriculum that goes above and beyond what is required for high school in Ontario at their 10,000-square-meter campus. This curriculum encourages our students’ growth inside and outside the classroom.

They ensure students have the easiest and most successful transition possible to university and beyond by offering continued tutoring and one-on-one academic support from teachers. This allows students to make the most of their opportunities beyond high school.

  • Tuition: $18,000 to 42,800/year
  • Avg. Class Size: 10 to 15
  • Grades: Gr. 7 to Gr. 12

7. Keystone International Schools

The Keystone School is a private school that welcomes students of both sexes and is located in the financial district of Toronto. Keystone is also ranked among the best high schools in Canada.

Kids can develop into well-rounded individuals through Keystone’s small class sizes, the supportive and welcoming atmosphere reminiscent of a family, and the project-based learning technique.

Students from domestic and international high schools can continue their education at Keystone International Schools from grades 9 through 12.

In addition to adhering to the educational standards established by the province of Ontario, Keystone uses a strategy centered on hands-on, experiential learning to instruct students in crucial aspects of self-management. Moreover, it is convenient in the middle of Toronto and helps students prepare for further education after high school.

They see both learning and teaching as a journey in which students have an active role in their intellectual and social growth of themselves. Students take an active role in their education by participating in various projects, events, and activities that connect what they are learning in the classroom to what is happening in the real world.

Students at Keystone become self-directed, critical thinkers with a global awareness who pose problems and look for their solutions from both a regional and an international point of view. In addition, kids love learning due to their teachers’ constant encouragement of their natural curiosity.

Tuition: Full academic year $16,200.00

8. West Carleton, Dunrobin

The West Carleton Secondary School, also among the best high schools in Canada, is a vital resource for the surrounding community. It is an essential resource for the surrounding community because it allows local groups to use the facility for athletic and another community programming.

The school serves a large geographical region that extends from Arnprior to the western part of Kanata. It is comprised of farms, wetlands, and forest and spans 107 acres in total.

This area is also home to the Bill Mason Centre, a facility devoted to studying the natural world and teaching outdoor skills. 

Our school is an institution that features the most current and cutting-edge educational practices, and it has a total enrollment of 1106.

They are delighted to provide a varied and extensive selection of educational opportunities and courses of study to cater to the specific requirements of each of our students.

They take great pride in our sense of community and the environment they have created for our students, which is nurturing and reminiscent of a family unit and promotes both the student’s overall well-being and academic performance while incorporating a wide variety of interdisciplinary and technological learning opportunities.

Both the Grade 9 Mathematics and the Ontario Literacy Test results that they received from EQAO, as well as the Board-Wide ratings that they received from OCDSB, suggest that their pupils achieve at a high level.

9. AFNORTH International, Brunssum

The AFNORTH US Elementary and Middle/High sections are DoDEA-accredited schools located in Brunssum, Limburg, the Netherlands, in the heart of Northwest Europe. 

This region is frequently referred to as “the balcony of Europe” or “land without borders” due to its easy access to several countries. Brunssum is located in the Netherlands.

Over 860 students from JFC Headquarters Brunssum, NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, other NATO forces stationed in the Netherlands, and families employed by international firms in this region are currently being educated at AFNORTH Foreign School, which first opened its doors in September 1967. JFC Headquarters Brunssum is located in the Netherlands.

Their educational facilities are all parts of the AFNORTH International School (AIS), a partnership of educational establishments from the United States of America, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

AIS has a long and illustrious history of achieving the highest levels of success in academics, the arts, co-curricular endeavors, and the study of multiculturalism. It is also ranked among the best high schools in Canada offering educational excellence to its students.

Every student should make the most of every minute of their time at school, beginning with the first day, to learn from their instructors, develop new skills, socialize with new people, participate in all activities, and make use of the resources that are available at AIS and in the surrounding areas. 

10. Pickering College

Pickering College, one of the best high schools in Canada, is an independent boarding (Grades 7 to 12) and day (Kindergarten to Grade 12) school established in 1842 and located in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, only forty minutes north of Toronto. The school serves both boys and girls. Our programs provide one-of-a-kind experiences in academics, the arts, sports, the development of global leadership, and community service.

Students at Pickering College get an education guided by core beliefs designed to help them develop the self-assurance, knowledge, skills, and social consciousness necessary to prepare them for further study and life.

Students ages 12 to 18 who wish to study English and explore the marvels of Canada may enroll in an engaging English as a Second Language (ESL) summer program that Pickering College provides. Students enjoy the superior residential, eating, intellectual, athletic, and social facilities and the premium supervised evening and weekend activities. Students thrive in intimate settings with no more than 12 to 15 classmates to one educator. 

What is the tuition for Pickering College?

The Tuition, Educational Technology Fee & Facility Renewal Fee for students planning to enroll in Pickering college is $29,255 to $72,055. 

  • Tuition:$29,255 to $72,055
  • Location: Newmarket, Ontario
  • JK to 12 Coed
  • Day/Boarding
  • Progressive

11. Don Valley Academy

At Don Valley Academy, a private high school and one of the best high schools in Canada, our primary focus is on preparing students for further education after high school graduation. We can maintain a warm, safe, and loving atmosphere because of our low student-to-teacher ratio. 

Because of the supportive environment, our students can concentrate intently on their coursework and gain the information as well as the skills that are necessary for them to achieve academic success. In addition, every one of our handpicked instructors has made it a personal mission to encourage and motivate their students to perform to the best of their abilities.

Don Valley is one of those hidden treasures in the city but does not get nearly the attention it should. The fact that it’s a very modest-sized institution is one of the school’s advantages. 

Students select Don Valley because they are searching for something unique, something more individualized, where they may use their talents and skills in the ways that they want to exercise them. In other words, students are looking for a place to be themselves.

  • Tuition: $9,900 to $13,200
  • Location: Toronto, Ontario
  • Grade: 9 to 12 Coed
  • Day/Homestay
  • Traditional

12. St. George’s School of Montreal

St. George’s was established in 1930 by a group of parents who desired something distinct for their children, specifically an education which was less centered on rote and more based on experience and respect for the individual students. 

These parents wanted St. George’s to be a school that respected individual learners and honored their unique learning styles. The students did not wear uniforms back then, as they do today, and most education was based on hands-on, experiential learning rather than textbooks and lectures. 

Not only do kids work on projects and participate in events with other students in their age group, but they also collaborate with children of other ages from around the school. Students are given the freedom and tools necessary to pursue the interests that spark their curiosity and are encouraged to pursue those interests. 

Throughout the institution’s history, there is also a structure, and the academic program has shown its efficacy by producing tangible, measurable outcomes. Hence, it is only natural that St. George’s School of Montreal is listed among the best high schools in Canada.

  • Tuition: $20,081 to $51,096
  • Location: Montreal, Quebec
  • K to 11 Coed
  • Day/Homestay
  • Progressive

13. The Linden School

For nearly 30 years, Linden’s holistic approach to instilling academic excellence, intersectional thinking, leadership, diversity, and inclusion has given students a strong foundation and critical-thinking skills essential for success in today’s complex world. 

Enriched small classes at Linden School, one of the best high schools in Canada, foster more student-teacher engagement and love for learning. Thanks to its highly-regarded specialist faculty, STEAM, outdoor ed, multimedia, art, drama, music, and sports programs, our graduates enjoy 100% university acceptance.

  • Tuition: $21,050 to $28,350
  • Location: Toronto, Ontario
  • JK to 12 Girls
  • Day
  • Progressive

14. Country Garden Montessori Academy

CGMA Private School is a private day school that welcomes students of both sexes and is located on five acres of parkland. Our educational institution is dedicated to the intellectual development, emotional growth, and critical thinking of every one of our pupils. 

The CGMA has a warm and welcoming family environment in that everyone is welcome to participate. We make use of the indoor soccer facility that is located right next to us throughout the entire year. 

The school’s daily routines take on a more exciting tone when we include activities such as sports, educational field trips, musical performances, and outdoor exploration. They provide students with annual standardized examinations so that we can track their academic growth.

  • Tuition: $8,100 to $25,900
  • Location: Newmarket, Ontario
  • JK to 12 Coed
  • Homestay/Day
  • Montessori

15. Sacred Heart School of Halifax

The Sacred Heart School of Halifax, established in 1849, educates the whole child, including the intellect, the body, and the soul. Education is provided on the school’s historic site in the middle of Halifax for students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade Six on a coeducational basis and for students in Grades 7 through 12 on a single-gender basis. 

Students at Sacred Heart, one of the best high schools in Canada, are well equipped to take on the world due to the school’s excellent academics and preparation for university, as well as the school’s emphasis on leadership and community service. The sacred heart has an outstanding reputation in these areas. We teach according to a strict moral code outlined in our Five Goals as a component of a worldwide network.

Although some many traditions and events have been going on for a long time, the school also distinguishes itself as being on the cutting edge. This can be seen not only in the provided curriculum (such as the extensive Advanced Placement offering) but also in how it is delivered, which involves a lot of hands-on, project-oriented, collaborative learning. 

The school’s atmosphere is the primary selling point in many people’s eyes. There is a strong desire to get students interested in various activities, including an intensive service learning program, and get them involved in the school’s day-to-day operations. The sacred heart has shown that it can provide all of it.

  • Tuition: $13,820 to $19,360
  • Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • JK to 12 Boys/Girls/Coed
  • Day
  • Traditional

Canada is indeed one of the countries in the world with the top best high schools that guarantee quality education to your child. Hence, if you are confused about which high school in Canada to enroll your child, the 15 best high schools in Canada listed above will help you in making a wise choice for your kids. 

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