Best Architecture Schools In Canada

Best Architecture Schools In Canada

What are the best architecture schools in Canada currently? Canada is known for hosting some of the world’s best educational institutions. But, we’ll focus on the most renowned Canadian architecture schools. With the expansion of the global economy, the need for infrastructure development is growing continuously. 

As the times change, infrastructure is becoming leaner and more energy-efficient. This requires architects who can understand the current needs and design accordingly. 

Canada has a thriving economy and a robust and modern infrastructure. In such a scenario, the demand for well-skilled architects is high. Architecture as a subject deals with conceptualizing, planning, and developing designs for the construction and renovation of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings.

Is Canada Good For Studying Architecture?

Pursuing Architecture in Canada can be a worthwhile opportunity for the applicants as the country has more than ten globally ranked universities offering the course.

It is both a profession and a discipline of study, relating to a broad spectrum of career opportunities. As a profession, it plays a pivotal role in the production of the built environment, bridging the technical and social, practical, and theoretical. 

It is a cultural and artistic practice that is critically engaged with the forces of urbanization and technological change, the challenges of environmental sustainability, and the struggle for cultural expression. 

The study of architecture involves the design, production, and organization of material culture from the scale of domestic objects to the scale of the metropolitan region. As such, studies in architecture interact with numerous related disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, as well as engineering, technology, and media.

These studies may lead to professional graduate programs in architecture, landscape architecture, planning, and urban design, as well as careers in related design disciplines, the arts, history, business, journalism, and public policy.

Best Universities For Architecture In Canada 

Canada is home to some of the best universities in the world. This country has a long tradition of offering high-quality education, and many universities are considered among the best in Canada. While many universities offer architecture degrees in Canada, these are some of the best.

Here are the best architecture schools in Canada: 

1. University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia offers architectural programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. These programs are part of the University of British Columbia’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. 

It offers a professional graduate degree, leading to the Canadian Architectural Certification Board certification. The School also offers a complete, accredited curriculum and provides Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) approved professional standing. This standing is equivalent to the U.S. National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB).

The School enjoys significant links within the local professional design community and a healthy engagement with cultural concerns worldwide. The program includes design studios alongside courses in history and theory, technical and material systems, and design media.

  • Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Faculty: School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: Bachelors – $18,187, Masters – $23,460
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 3 years

2. University of Toronto

The Daniels Faculty of Architecture at the University of Toronto is the second most renowned among Canadian architecture schools. They offer multiple undergraduate and graduate programs. 

The latter include Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Urban Design, and Master of Architecture. A large part of the appeal of UofT’s architectural programs is the surrounding area. Toronto is one of Canada’s most architecturally-renowned cities.  

Architectural Studies begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of the field through design, history, and technology/computation. This foundation helps students understand the various graphic, writing, and calculation-based practices that constitute the field. 

Students within the program take two years of standard courses in the design, history, and technology of architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism before focusing on a stream with a particular emphasis. 

In these streams, the two-year core is built upon increasingly complex design problems and more advanced topics in the history and technology of architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism.

Following the first two years of study, students can further focus on their degree by electing to pursue one of three streams: Design or History & Theory or Technology. Students may also elect not to focus on their course of study and can pursue a Comprehensive Specialist stream, allowing more flexibility to simultaneously pursue Majors or Minors in other areas at the University of Toronto to customize their degrees.

The Design Specialist stream, oriented towards design, is ideal for students who choose to explore and focus their studies on the technics and methods associated with the design and design-based processes. 

Graduates of this stream can choose careers in design and other creative media and building-based industries or pursue graduate degrees in various disciplines, including architecture, landscape, and planning. 

The program’s primary goal is to familiarize students with some fundamental design process techniques, building on the Daniels Faculty’s ethos of thinking urbanistically across all the scales and material dimensions of design practice.

While the disciplines of architecture and art are understood to be distinct, we take advantage of the symbiotic relationship between them by offering a series of first-year courses that students in both Architectural Studies and Visual Studies are encouraged to take. 

The series includes:

  • Two lecture courses in the history of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
  • An introductory architecture studio about the design process.
  • A workshop-based course on artistic production (Visual Strategies).
  • A lecture course on contemporary art practice and critical discourse.

 The curriculum comprises two general introductory and two intermediate elective studio courses in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism, complemented by required and elective non-studio courses in design, history, theory, and technology.

  • Location: Toronto, Ontario
  • Faculty: John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: Bachelors – $19,500
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Studies
  • Duration: 3 years

3. McGill University

The Peter Guo-Hua Fu School of Architecture at McGill University offers a professional Master of Architecture program, a post-professional Master of Architecture program, and a Ph.D. program. 

In Canada, architecture schools tend to lie in cities known for their beautiful structures. That’s certainly the case with McGill University, located in Montreal, a city known for its stunning churches and residences ranging in style from Art Deco to Gothic Revival and everything in between.

The School of Architectural at McGill University is one of Canada’s most distinguished architecture schools, with a 7% acceptance rate for its undergraduate degree. The institution has a stellar reputation and draws outstanding students worldwide.

The Peter Guo-Hua Fu School of Architecture programs include a Bachelor of Architecture, a Master of Architecture, and several post-professional research programs. The School is also known for its solid (but highly competitive) financial assistance programs for architectural students.

  • Location: Montreal, Quebec
  • Faculty: Peter Guo-Hua Fu School of Architecture
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: Arch. Or Ph. D. programs. Value: $82,000
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Degree: Bachelor of Architecture, Energy, and Environment
  • Duration: 2+ years

4. University of Waterloo

The School of Architecture at Waterloo is design education and research leader of architecture studies in Canada. It offers a fully cooperative professional program and has been rated the greenest architecture curriculum in Canada. The University of Waterloo has a reputation for its rigid curriculum among the best Canadian architecture schools. 

The institution’s architecture school is made up of about 500 students. These students undergo rigorous training that makes the University of Waterloo one of the most challenging to graduate from. 

Among the University of Waterloo’s architectural offerings are an undergraduate program and several at the graduate level. As with most of the top Canadian architecture schools, sustainable building is a key component of the curriculum for these programs.

  • Location: Cambridge, Ontario
  • Faculty: School of Architecture
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: Arch. Program value: $55,000
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 3 years

5. Carleton University

Carleton University offers several courses, including Architectural Studies, Architectural Conservation, and Sustainability Engineering. The acclaimed curriculum of these programs has contributed to Carleton’s globally high-ranking position. These programs are part of the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism.

Carleton’s Bachelor of Architectural Studies focuses on knowledge, experience, creativity, and imagination. Our program encourages you to explore ideas through making, evaluate ideas within the context of the human experience, and exercise creativity through writing, model making, drawing, digital media, and presentations.

Carleton’s Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism awards the pre-professional Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) degree upon completing our four-year program. 

If you intend to practice architecture, you can apply to continue into a professional Master of Architecture program at Carleton or equivalent professional training at another university. 

The BAS program is also an excellent degree for various careers or further studies in design, urbanism, or conservation and sustainability. It focuses on architectural studies by choosing an area of study in:

  • Design
  • Urbanism
  • Conservation and Sustainability

The program lays a broad foundation on which architectural studies are built. You will take courses in architecture, design, drawing, and multimedia applications and general studies in engineering, art history, and social sciences. 

  • Location: Ottawa, Ontario
  • Faculty: School of Architecture and Urbanism
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: $10,899.88
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 4 years

6. Université de Montréal

The School of Architecture offers two-degree programs: a Bachelor of Science in Architecture (B.Sc.Arch.) and a Master of Architecture (M.Arch.). The School also has an individualized Ph.D. program in architecture for those looking to further their academic studies.

The Université de Montréal is North America’s primary French-speaking educational institution. It offers two architectural degree programs. These are the Bachelor of Science in Architecture and the Master of Architecture.

For students who already have architectural qualifications, the Université de Montréal also offers a Ph.D. program in the field. Founded in 1878, The Université de Montréal is the central French-speaking university in North America. 

The University Campus and the School of Architecture are both located in Montreal, the second largest city in Canada. They are situated on the north side of Mount Royal, ten minutes from Montreal’s vibrant downtown. 

The School of architecture is an integral part of the Faculty of Environmental Design (Faculté de l’aménagement), which offers urban planning, landscape architecture, industrial design, and interior design courses. 

This unique grouping of disciplines encourages the exchange of viewpoints and promotes interdisciplinary work, allowing students to benefit from the Faculty’s expertise in various sectors of environmental design.

  • Location: Montreal, Quebec
  • Faculty: School of Architecture
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: $6,500 – $11,500
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 3 years

7. Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson University)

Toronto Metropolitan University, formally Ryerson University, is named after Ontario’s first superintendent of education and leading public school advocate, Egerton Ryerson. 

Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) was established in 1948 to fulfill the need for skilled tradespeople following the Second World War. TMU is a postsecondary institute designed to combine technical education with academic theory. 

Toronto Metropolitan University announced its name change from Ryerson University in late April 2023. The name change is the first step towards a future beyond the legacy of its previous namesake, Egerton Ryerson.

Toronto Metropolitan University is dedicated to creating a culture of action and giving its students a hand-in experience in the industry. As a result, it isn’t just considered one of the best Canadian architecture schools; it’s also one of the best Canadian universities.

 The School’s architectural undergraduate program allows students to choose from three specialties in architecture, building science, and project management. 

  • Location: Toronto, Ontario
  • Faculty: School of Architecture
  • Average Annual Tuition fees:$29,000
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 3 years

8. University of Calgary

In Canada, architecture schools aren’t just confined to the east and west coast. For example, the University of Calgary is also among the best Canadian architecture schools, ranking in the top 10 of the best architecture schools in Canada.

Its architecture programs are operated through the Faculty of Environmental Design. The School’s Master of Architecture program is a three-year affair focusing on design and sustainability. 

The School has outstanding teachers, study-abroad options, innovative courses with practicing architects and leading-edge workshop facilities are just a few of the benefits received as architecture students.

Their approach engages the contemporary challenges facing the discipline of architecture, with experts in critical practice, digital design and fabrication, building performance, cultural theory, and architectural history. 

By completing our Architectural Studies Minor as part of your undergraduate degree, you will gain a year’s worth of coursework toward our accredited three-year Master of Architect degree and be on the path toward becoming a registered architect. 

  • Location: Calgary, Alberta
  • Faculty: School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: $12,695
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 3 years

9. Dalhousie University

In Halifax, we have Dalhousie University. The institution provides both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in architecture. These programs are part of the School’s three-part architect track. The program comprises coursework at another university, backed by a Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies and a Master of Architecture.

Dalhousie University provides an exceptional architecture school with a worldwide standing. Students can also reside globally for up to a year through our co-op work programs. 

A Dalhousie Master of Architecture degree is a significant step toward architectural practice in your native country. Dalhousie University, one of Canada’s twelve architectural schools, maybe the perfect fit for your academic goals and personal interests.

  • Location: Halifax, Canada 
  • Faculty: Faculty of Architecture and Planning
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: 8,983.86 CAD, International tuition 18,187.9 CAD (2015 – 16)
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.7
  • Duration: 3 years

10. Université Laval

The undergraduate and graduate architecture schools at Université Laval are another Quebec-based item on this list. The School’s stated purpose is to promote a balance between current design and respect for heritage, which can be observed in Laval’s most accomplished architectural creations.

Université Laval is among the largest French-speaking university in North America, with more than 35,000 students, and is firmly established not only as one of the top architectural schools in Canada but also as a leader among big institutions globally.

The School is well-served by public transportation and a variety of services. Students can find local lodging or stay in the university dormitories. In addition, they provide the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
  • Master of Architecture (M.Arch.)
  • M.S. Urban Design

The School of Architecture is located in the center of Old Québec, on the walls of the Seminary, a 17th-century architectural monument, and provides a rich physical and cultural setting.

  • Location: 1 Côte de la Fabrique bureau 3210, Québec, QC G1R 3V6, Canada
  • Faculty: Faculty of Architecture, Urban planning, and Visual arts
  • Average Annual Tuition fees: 26,041 USD
  • Average GPA requirement: 3.2
  • Duration: 3 years

How Much Does A Canadian Architect Make?

In Canada, the average annual compensation for an architect is 154,000 CAD. After earning a Bachelor of Architecture in Canada, you can work as a Designer, Drafter, Manager, Interior Designer, Landscape Architect, and so on.

The various job descriptions and pay rates in Canadian dollars are shown below:

  • Architect: 116,200
  • Architectural Designer: 107,900
  • Architectural Drafter: 91,000
  • Architectural Manager: 145,600
  • Assistant Architectural Manager: 128,000
  • Architecture Estimating Manager: 128,000
  • Architecture Specifications Writer: 83,000
  • Design and Decoration Assistant: 98,000
  • Drafting Supervisor: 101,000
  • Facility Planner: 120,000
  • Interior Designer: 124,000
  • CAD Manager: 117,000
  • Landscape Architect: 113,000
  • Interior Design Assistant: 81,500
  • Architectural Technician: 119,000
  • Architecture Consultant: 120,000

Because architects are in great demand, many architectural institutions in Canada provide degrees, and there are several work opportunities accessible for architecture graduates.

Typical duties for architecture graduates 

The following are the primary responsibilities of any graduate of Architecture in Canada:

  • Sketching, sketching, and modeling client designs.
  • Negotiating with and hiring the right contractors for the job.
  • Advising the customer on the viability of their aims in light of fiscal, regulatory, and geographic restrictions.
  • Manage project progress and challenges as they arise

Have you recently developed an interest in architectural studies and design? Don’t know how you will deal with this need for knowledge? Don’t worry; our carefully selected list of the finest architecture schools in Canada may save you a lot of time and effort!

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